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ISP aspects

axn edited this page Mar 24, 2018 · 5 revisions

Discussion of desired BMX7 features for supporting community networks ISPs

Everybodies perspective

Want to:

  • Use encrypted packet forwarding over mesh (eg using wireguard)

ISP/GW perspective

Want to:

  • Express networks reachable via ISP (itself) and BW to them (eg DSL uplink speed)
  • Delegate particular or random prefix to a client
  • Offer enhanced GW-tunnel services to selected nodes

Clients perspective

Clients (of ISPs or GWs) are seeking to lease source-address-prefixes and tunnel routes.

Want to:

  • Choose ISP based on:
    • Reachable networks and promised BW
    • Trustability of GW
    • Mesh-Path BW to GW
    • Offered source address prefix leased by GW to client
  • Express preferred prefix to be leased from ISP
  • Choose to obtain public or anonymous prefix from ISP

Concrete feature and parameter proposal

--wgDev DEVNAME                        // Specify a wg-tunnel device and src-address prefix
  [udp-port PORT]                      // Optionally specify explicit endpoint port
  <srcPrefix ADDRMASK [                // Set own static src-address and mask for device
    delegate NETMASK/MIN               // Optionally offer prefix delegation of src-address ranges to
                                       //  clients
    [privacy PRIVVAL]                  // Optionally specify if prefix delegation supports anonymous
                                       //  and/or public src-address ranges 
    [supportedClients IDDIR] ] > |     // Optionally restrict wg-tunnel endpoint and prefix-delegation
                                       //  service only to selected clients
  <srcAuto NETMASK/MAX                 // Set own src-address and mask automatically based on prefix-
                                       //  delegation offered by GW nodes
    [trustedDelegators IDDIR]          // Optionally limit set of GWs considered for leasing a
                                       //  delegated src-address prefix 
    [srcPreference NETMASK]            // Optionally consider only prefix-delegation offers with
                                       //  given src-address prefix
    [srcPrivacy PRIVVAL]               // Optionally specify desired privacy mode for leased src-
                                       //  addresses
    [wgOut OUTNAME] >                  // Optionally consider only prefix-delegation offers if GW-
                                       //  tunnel also offers tunnel routes as specified via given
                                       //  OUTNAME

--wgOut OUTNAME                        // Label for wg-tunnel-route searches
  <dst NETMASK/MIN/MAX>                // Specify netmask for searched destination route
  [wgDev DEVNAME]                      // Optionally bind search to particular DEVNAME
  [ingress NETMASK]                    // Optionally consider only offered routes with
                                       //  larger ingress filter 
  [trustedGws IDDIR]                   // Optionally limit set of considered GWs
  [trustedDelegators IDDIR]            // Optionally limit set of considered routes to those leased
                                       //  by a trusted prefix delegator
  [minBandwidth BANDWIDTH]             // Optionally consider only GWs satisfying given e2e bandwidth

--wgIn INNAME                          // Label for wg-tunnel-route offers to clients
  <dst NETMASK>                        // Specify offered route 
  [wgDev DEVNAME]                      // Optionally offer route only via given device
  [ingress NETMASK]                    // Optionally accept only incoming tunnel traffic from given 
                                       //  src addresses
  [bandwidth BANDWIDTH]                // Optionally specify bandwidth to given route
  • DEVNAME := wireguard tunnel device name (e.g. wg0)
  • OUTNAME := Section name for outgoing wg-tunnel routes
  • INNAME := Section name for incoming wg-tunnel routes
  • PORT := udp port number
  • ADDRMASK := address/prefix-length
  • PRIVVAL := 0=none, 1=anonymous, 2=public, 3=both
  • IDDIR := Path to directory containing files named as BMX7 node identities
  • NETMASK := network/prefix-length
  • MAX := upper limit for given prefix-length
  • MIN := lower limit for given prefix-length
  • BANDWIDTH := Bandwidth in bits/second


  • BW: BandWidth
  • ISP: Internet Service Provider
  • GW: Gateway to other network