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Releases: boardengineer/CommunicationModExtension

Fix death issues

20 Aug 23:46
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This should fix death issues


11 Jul 03:37
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Comms mod with a load function, I'll organize these releases someday if i want to

Experimental Fast Frontend

07 Aug 22:23
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This is the first attempt to run the front end in plaid mode, new flags

jre\bin\java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -jar -DconnectOnStartup=true -DisPlaidMode=true ModTheSpire.jar --skip-intro --skip-launcher

jre\bin\java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -jar -DisServer=true -DisPlaidMode=true ModTheSpire.jar --skip-intro --skip-launcher

Slay eye with autoplay support

01 Jun 04:06
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Slay eye release of the extension with bindings for autoplay

Slay Eye Release

30 May 19:23
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Release coded to output to sockets and stripped of mod dependencies