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=== HookPress ===
Contributors: mitchoyoshitaka, automattic
Author: mitcho (Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Donate link:
Tags: hook, filter, action, plugin, webhook, webhooks, notification, internal
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 1.14

HookPress turns your WordPress-internal hooks into webhooks. Possible uses include generating push notifications or extending WordPress with non-PHP.

== Description ==

Webhooks are a simple paradigm for developing instant notifications and mashups based on simple HTTP requests. With HookPress you can set up webhooks so that a specified URL (a public service or something you set up) is requested when certain WordPress actions occur. Possible uses include generating push notifications or using non-PHP web technology to extend WordPress.

[vimeo 5905102]
A tutorial video is available [on](

**[As seen on!](**

**To learn about the various hooks WordPress provides**, please consult the WordPress Plugin API's [Action Reference]( and [Filter Reference]( Not all hooks are supported yet, but more are in the works.

**To learn more about webhooks**, take a look at the [wikipedia page]( and also [The Pushbutton Web]( by Anil Dash. Webhooks champion Jeff Lindsay's [excellent slides]( are a particularly good place to start.

**To write and host a target script** The easiest option is to set up a script on your own server to catch POST requests and act on them. [Requestbin]( is a nice, free service which will host an endpoint, collect all requests, and let you inspect them, which is a great way to test requests generated by your webhooks. There is also a PHP script which does a simple version of this, `test.php`, included with HookPress.

== Installation ==

Upload the HookPress plugin to your blog's `wp-content/plugins/` directory and activate. In the admin section, go to Settings > Webhooks to add new webhooks.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

If you have a feature request or question, please use the [HookPress support forum](

= How does HookPress affect performance? =

HookPress currently makes requests synchronously so can measurably affect performance. I highly recommend using a caching plugin such as [WP-SuperCache]( to stem the performance hit. If your filters' results are time-sensitive or dependent on external data sources as well, make sure to set an appropriate cache expiration time.

== Changelog ==

= 1.14 =
* Additional security hardening for `test.php`, now no longer bundled as a `.php`

= 1.13 =
* Important security fix to the test endpoint, `test.php`.
* Code cleanup, fix bugs introduced in previous version.

= 1.12 =
* Upgraded to work properly with jQuery 1.9+. [Props liquidgecha](
* Dropped the initial 0. in the version number, as that was just ridiculous. :)

= 0.1.11 =
* Fix to register the right number of incoming arguments for actions.
= 0.1.10 =
* No longer depends on the Snoopy library; uses `wp_remote_post()` instead. Note that the HTTP referer may no longer be sent correctly.
* Added the `hookpress_request` filter.
* Code cleanup
= 0.1.9 =
* New snazzy options screen, with [help from Automattic](
	* added webhook editing
* Various miscellaneous features: added nonces for security, modularized the code a bit, etc.
= 0.1.8 =
* Added more filtersÑnow covers basic + comment filters
* Marking as compatible through 2.9.9, because it should be.
* Added version checking and beta offers to the options screen.
= 0.1.7 =
* Now supports basically all actions. (Still no actions with no arguments.)
* Added more filter optionsÑnow covers all basic database read filters.
= 0.1.6 =
* Added another batch of actions. (Still no actions with no arguments, though... something to consider.)
* Fixed hooks which referred to the users and links tables.
= 0.1.5 =
* Now enforces sending the first field in filters and highlights the first field.
* Added FAQ note on performance concerns and caching.
= 0.1.4 =
* Bugfix: hooks with ID 0 can now be deleted
* Made HookPress fully localizable - please email before you start localizing to claim your language.
= 0.1.3 =
* A small bugfix to the filters list for `save_pre`
* Initial support for filters with an short list of supported filters
* Updated `test.php` to return first parameter (to trivially support filters)
= 0.1.2 =
* Added support for the `post_url` field
* Added support for `parent_*` post fields for `save_post` which are sent in case the post is a revision of a previous draft.
* Fixes a PHP error which displayed on install
* Disallowed redirects on the webhook - corrects duplicate records when used with PostBin
= 0.1.1 =
* Fixed namespace collision with [Yet Another Related Posts Plugin](
* Minor documentation changes.
= 0.1 =
* Initial release
	* supports webhooks based on WP actions

= Future plans =

* Editing webhooks (rather than deleting and adding)
* More custmization on a per-webhook basis

If you have a feature request or question, please use the <a href=''>HookPress support forum</a>.