Releases: boltgolt/boltobserv
Version 1.0.0
- Added ultra high-definition radar images, thanks to Aredone and the fine folks at
- Added dynamic buyzones with the option to only show them during buy time
- Added muzzle flashes when players fire a shot
- Added red indicators when a player gets any damage
- Added flashes to the map and a white tint to flashed players (thanks @sayagojasc!)
- Added vertical indicators to see the vertical position of a player on the map (both scale and color indicator options)
- Added config option to change background color (thanks @sayagojasc!)
- Fixed issue where radar was waiting on map pick forever
- Fixed issue where player number labels were incorrectly shown (thanks @sayagojasc!)
- Updated all map meta files
- Updated dependencies, should now run smoother due to electron upgrade
- Removed grenade data collection entirely
Version 0.2.2
- Added "bombDotScale" config option, which scales the bomb icon separately from player dots
- Fixed player dots not showing up on the right location
- Fixed issue where map would never load because of a race condition (thanks @osztenkurden!)
- Fixed some artifacting by forcing a redraw of player dots at end of round
- Redid config load logic and molotov display code
- Updated all map meta files
- Updated cache and vertigo radar images
This is still very much a beta release, so please report all bugs you find here on Github.
Version 0.2.1
Breaking changes:
- Config files moved to "config" subfolder
- Realigned all map meta files
- Added global keybinds
- Added config option to keep background transparent even in browser, enables transparent OBS capture
- Added config option to only show a small status window instead of full radar window
- Added debug config option to allow Boltobserv to run without electron
- Added portable custom CSS file
- Dots now show where a player is looking
- The spectated player is now always on top, and has a new styling
- Updated vertigo radar image
- Config files are now version tagged to enable future config migrations
- Logo on waiting screen is now animated
- Fixed issue where players were at a different position when scaling the radar
- Playerdots now scale with the radar size
- Fixed issue where older (compatibility) versions of maps would be rejected by radar
- Fixed high dot scaling giving blurry dots
This is still very much a beta release, so please report all bugs you find here on Github.
Version 0.2.0
- Fully featured radar can now be viewed in a browser
- Added option to only enable zoom if zoom level above given minimum
- Added molotov/incendiary fire on radar (thanks @chenxz240605!)
- Slightly moved de_nuke lower splitmap cutoff
- Rewrote socket structure to use raw one-way websockets
This is still very much a beta release, so please report all bugs you find here on Github.
Version 0.1.1
- Added full screen config option
- Added mouse passthrough option
- Restructured de_vertigo split map
- Updated map image for de_vertigo
- Slightly increased player dot smoothing
This is still very much a beta release, so please report all bugs you find here on Github.
Version 0.1.0
- Added de_vertigo support
- Added split maps on de_nuke and de_vertigo
- Added dropped, planted, and defused bomb on map
- Added indicator around player currently being spectated
- Added config option to disable GPU rendering
- The GSI cfg should now be detected and automatically installed/updated
- More player interpolation improvements
- Made version update link clickable
- Rewrote advisories, fixing bug where a question mark would be shown instead of player number
- General optimizations
- Removed bombsite plant detection
This is still very much a beta release, so please report all bugs you find here on Github.
Version 0.0.2
- Added support for all maps in the active duty map pool
- Added smokes on the map
- Added automatic zooming of the radar
- Added a central config file
- Added option to turn window transparent, showing the program running below it
- Added option to keep window on top of all other (fullscreen) windows
- Added option to set default window position and size
- Added option to scale player dots
- Added automatic grenade data upload (read more)
- Added new version check
- Improved player movement interpolation (but it's still nowhere near perfect)
- Made it easier to resize window
This is still very much a beta release, so please report all bugs you find on Github
Version 0.0.1
This is the very first functional version of Boltobserv. It's a beta release, so expect bugs.
In this release the only supported map is de_inferno.