Mocking support for Python Fusion 360 tests
Before you use this, you should link or copy the Fusion 360 API files into your project path.
- Find the API definitions:
Mac OS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/<hash>/Api/Python/packages/adsk
Windows: <User Directory>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\<hash>\Api\Python\packages\adsk
Look for the hash where the above directory contains (_core|_fusion|_cam).so (Mac), or (_core|_cam|_fusion).pyd (Windows)
- Create a shortcut or link into your project:
ln –s ~/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/<hash>/Api/Python/packages/adsk <add-in folder>/adsk-lib
- Add API folder to test/
import sys
import os
- Run tests by navigating to your project root (which contains your add-in folder, and test folder) and running:
python -m unittest discover -s test -t .