This is the practical week in which you are going to demonstrate Object Oriented approach and PHP 7 lessons that you have learned including its design patterns, this template is pre-configured
to use PDO queries and have some examples that you can use to help you build this application from scratch.
Run ./
to install the project dependencies.
= The main landing page of the application
= Example page template
= Example interface class
= Example abstract class
= Stores the database configuration
= Singleton database class connection of the application
= The data layer of the application
- Bootstrap or any CSS framework you prefer.
- Users = id, email, password
- Course = id,name
- Student = id, user_id, course_id, fullname
- Criteria = id, name
Example criteria for grading:
Toy problems
Mini Project
Fullstack Projects
- Grade = id, criteria_id, student_id
Example on how to get the percentage :
Final grade % = ((items - total) / items)
- Source code should be organized
- Use of PHP 7 new syntax
- Use of Polymorphism (Interface and Abtract class or Traits)
- Atleast one of these methods (Overriding, Overloading or Method Chaining)
- Implementation of PDO connection class
- Implementation of namespace and autoloader class
- Implementation of dependency injection
- A responsive layout
- A home page
- A way to Login/Logout a user
- A way to display a list of contacts
- A way to CREATE,UPDATE and DELETE a contact
- Design pattern and security should be documented at
Submit a link to your fork of this repository to the Google Classroom assignment related to this project.