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YingmingHu edited this page May 3, 2016 · 5 revisions

The Evernote.sublime-settings can be accessed from Preferences > Package Settings > Evernote. The Default settings can be used as a template for customisation.

The two settings token and noteStoreUrl are set by the plugin in the First Use.

The following settings can be customised:

Setting Purpose
md_syntax a string pointing to a tmLanguage file which you want to associate with notes opened from Evernote.
inline_css a dictionary associating some HTML element names to inline CSS styles; currently the only elements that can be styled in this way are: pre, code, h1, hr, blockquote and sup. Additionally footnotes can be associated to some style for the div containing the footnotes at the end of the note. The markdown of a note can contain (almost) arbitrary HTML blocks but Evernote only accepts a subset of the elements and attributes (class and id are disallowed). See here for details.
code_highlighting_style a pygments style among autumn, default, github, monokai, perldoc, vim, borland, emacs, igor, murphy, rrt, vs, bw, friendly, native, tango, xcode, colorful, fruity, manni, pastie, trac.
code_friendly if true the code-friendly extra of markdown2 is enabled
evernote_autocomplete when this setting is true, suggestions will be offered for autocompletion of the notebook and tags fields in metadata. Default is true.
emphasis_mark when converting from HTML to markdown, use this as emphasis markup. Valid values are "*" or "_" (default). It is set to "*" when code_friendly is true.
strong_mark when converting from HTML to markdown, use this as emphasis markup. Valid values are "__" or "**" (default)
item_mark when converting from HTML to markdown, use this as unordered list item markup. Valid values are "+", "-" or "*" (default)
notes_order how to sort the notes in the panels; possible values: created, updated, relevance, update_sequence_number, title. Set the notes_order_ascending setting to true to reverse the selected order.
max_notes maximum number of notes in a panel; default is 100.
update_on_save when this setting is true, saving a file containing a note will also update (overwriting it) the online version. Default is false.
sort_notebooks sorts notebooks alphabetically in pallette
show_stacks shows the stack of notebooks in pallette
open_single_result when a search returns only one note open it directly skipping the results pallette (defaults to true)
warn_on_close when closing a modified note without saving to Evernote, offer a choice to save or discard changes (defaults to true)
gfm_tables enable GFM table syntax (default true)
default_template a file with a Markdown template for new notes (example: "Packages/User/") only from v2.7.0
tab_prefix a string used as a prefix in tabs for notes (default "Evernote: ") only from v2.7.0
wiki_tables enable Wiki table syntax (default false)
debug enables logging in the console
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