Created early 2017
A script to play Windows Minesweeper using screen capture and automatic mouse actions
Download all files
Install the following python libraries:
- numpy
pip install numpy
- pywin32
pip install pywin32
- pillow
pip install pillow
- opencv
pip install opencv-python
- pyautogui
pip install pyautogui
- Run "Minesweeper", this will open Minesweeper and an "Analysis Window"
- Keep the Minesweeper window in the forefront, this will allow the script to "see" the grid
- To auto-play Minesweeper, click on the "Analysis Window" to focus it and press the keyboard button "a", this will turn auto-play mode on (see bottom right of Analysis Window)
- The script will keep playing until there are no more 100% moves. You may need to click on random squares to open up possible moves. Not every game is 100% winnable, you may need to play a few games to win, the win rate depends on the difficulty.
- End the script forcefully (Ctrl-C) to end the script.