This is a Python implementation of the factorization-based segmentation algorithm, which fast segments textured images. The algorithm is described in
J. Yuan, D. L. Wang, and A. M. Cheriyadat. Factorization-based texture segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015.
Here is a brief introduction of the algorithm. Here is an explanation of computing local histograms based on integral histograms.
There is also a MATLAB implementation. The results from two implementations are similar. Local spectral histogram computation is coded using pure matrix operations, and thus achieves a speed comparable to the mex c code in MATLAB implementation.
OBS : This repository is a fork for the original code
In this actual stage, this code is only reading gray-scale images. Need to move later to read BGR/RGB images
Also, it's only working for .png and .jpg
Python 3.9 or above
This verison implements the complete algorithm, which segments an image in a fully automatic fashion.
To try the code, run
python3 -f "img_path" -ws int_value -segn int_value -omega float_value -nonneg_constraint bool_value -save_dir "dir_to_save" -save_file_name "file_name_to_save"
where :
-f is the image path
-ws is the window size value
-segn is the number of segment. if set to 0, the number will be automatically estimated
-omega is the error threshod for estimating segment number. need to adjust for different filter bank.
-nonneg_constraint is a flag to apply the negative matrix factorization
-save_dir is the path with the folder to save the file
-save_file_name is the file name with the extension to save the final result
python3 -f "Images/img_test.png" -ws 25 -segn 0 -omega 0.045 -nonneg_constraint True -save_dir "ResultImages/" -save_file_name "final_result.png"
To try the version with given seeds, run
Each seed is a pixel location inside one type of texture. Note that this version represents the basic form of the algorithm and does not include nonnegativity constraint.
Three test images are provided.