Matrix Calculator
Fraction Class:
- automatically reduces fraction to its simpliest form
- supports coverting a integer or a float number to a fraction
- supports the following calculations:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- reciprocal
- negation
Matrix Class:
- allows user to input a n by m matrix
- displays numbers as either integer or fraction
- supports the following calculations of a n * m matrix:
- addition
- subtraction
- matrix multiplication
- scalar multiplication
- transpose
- computes the following properties of a n * m matrix:
- is_RREF
- rank
- is_upper_triangular
- is_lower_triangular
- is_triangular
- additionally supports the following properties of a n * n matrix:
- invertible (determines whether the matrix is invertible)
- inverse
Aug_Matrix Class:
- allows user to input a n by m matrix with k columns of augumentation
Hope this program can make your linear algebra courses a lot easier :)