Here is our 10 min guide to create an echo-bot on telegram with botimize bot analytic service.
$ npm init
$ npm install telegraf --save
$ npm install botimize
Find botfather by ...
Talk to him like this way and record your telegram token.
Go to botimize and create an account.
Create a new project by clicking new project.
See your YOUR_BOTIMIZE_TOKEN by clicking Project Setting
Create a Nodejs script (e.g. echoBot.js) and copy this into it.
Notice you have to replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN, something like 123456789:AbCdfGhIJKlmNoQQRsTUVwxyZ
And also, you have to replace YOUR_BOTIMIZE_TOKEN.
const Telegraf = require('telegraf')
const app = new Telegraf(YOUR_BOT_TOKEN)
const botimize = require('botimize')(YOUR_BOTIMIZE_TOKEN, "telegram")
app.command('start', (ctx) => {
app.on('text', (ctx) => {
// botimize incoming
let incomingLog = ctx.update;
// reply to user
// botimize outgoing
let outgoingLog = {
chat_id: ctx.update.message.chat_id,
text: ctx.update.message.text,
botimize.logOutgoing(outgoingLog, {parse: 'pure'});
Run on the terminal
node echoBot.js
Now you can talk to your bot!
I name the bot as okokdodo you can find your bot with the bot name.