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danneg edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 5 revisions



The Data Exporter Layer is replaced by the Data Integration Layer. For integrations to come, please use the DI plugin:

Get in touch with Boxalino for migrations from Data Exporter to Data Integration.

This package is used for the data exporter layer on a Magento2 setup.

For a full Real Time User Experience (RTUX) project, the following dependencies apply:

  1. framework layer
  2. exporter layer
  3. integration layer

In order to have a Magento2 Boxalino deployment, a full data synchronization is required in order to create the data index for the configured account.


  1. The full data export has to run daily. (more information on the Full data sync wiki )
  2. If there is a requirement for delta (partial) updates for products, please enable the ** delta exporter ** as well. (more information on the Delta data sync wiki )

ASPECTS TO CONFIRM (project-based)

The stock information default logic is linked to the content of the "cataloginventory_stock_status". If your project uses a different source:

  1. redeclare the dependency for the ProductExporterResourceInterface
  2. update the public function getStockInformation() : array


Before you are able to run the exporter commands, the following dependencies must be confirmed:

  1. ProductComponentInterface (handles products data export logic)
  2. OrderComponentInterface (handles customer data export logic)
  3. CustomerComponentInterface (handles transactions data export logic)

(the defaults are used, as declared in the exporter-magento2 di.xml )