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danneg edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

In order to have meaningful real-time recommendations and relevant statistics for the reports, the API tracker must be enabled.

The API narrative tracker is able to follow user-activity, to closely track what content the user is currently viewing and/or what has left an "impression" on the visitor.

Template requirements

In order to receive the relevant tracking information, the proper markups must be used in the templates.

Check the bellow sample templates on how the HTML attributes can be rendered with the use of bx-attributes (elements part of the API response) or with other sequences:

If your integration relies on the default theme files, please apply the markups. ex:

  1. Add to Basket context: '@Storefront/storefront/component/product/card/action.html.twig'
  2. Product Slider
  3. Product listing

add to basket

Extra attention must be dedicated to the requirements for the add-to-basket button

The add-to-basket button template is part of the Shopware theme ('@Storefront/storefront/component/product/card/action.html.twig') and must be updated


the tracker logic is provided in the framework layer

The following events are available: page view, category view, product view, search event, add to basket, login and order. These are enabled by default and are part of the widget (ex:rtuxApiTracker).

When the tracker is enabled, compile the theme (if needed)/clear cache.

Technical references

For more information or extended use-cases, please consult the JS Tracker API documentation

For more insights into how Boxalino tracks data, please read the official documentation:

Testing the integration

The responsibility for testing the tracker integration belongs to the integrator.

Follow the provided official documentation for clear steps:

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