Diese Repositorie ist die Heimat einer Website, die unter https://github.bpgs.de/ zu erreichen ist. Die dort zugängliche Website wurde mit dem Programm Mobirise erstellt. Mit Mobirise kann man die einzelnen Seiten per FTP auf den Webspace hochladen, man kann diese aber auch auf Github* veröffentlichen.
*Die direkte Veröffentlichung auf Github funktionierte lange Zeit noch mit der Version 4.4.1 von Mobirise. Jetzt klappt das aber, mit der gleichen Version, nicht mehr. Man muss, wenn man so eine Mobirise-Website weiter bei Github publizieren will, einen Umweg gehen. Man publiziert die Inhalte zuerst lokal (auf dem PC) und schiebt sie dann mit Github-Desktop nach Github.
- Kurzlink http://bpgs.de oder https://bpgs.de erfordert immer explizit http oder https
- Langlink Anzeigetext; kann auch ohne http sein also zur Unterseite
siehe hierzu https://menzerath.eu/artikel/websites-kostenfrei-mit-github-pages-hosten/
Diese Seite kann man über http://bpgs.github.io oder über http://github.bpgs.de/ erreichen. Beide Links verweisen auf den selben Inhalt. Für die Erreichbarkeit unter https wurde eine .htaccess erstellt und gefüllt, hat aber irgendwie keine Wirkung. Die Links sind https://bpgs.github.io bzw. https://github.bpgs.de/
keine Beschreibung
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/testrepo oder https://github.com/bpgs/testrepo/tree/master
- master-01:https://github.com/bpgs/testrepo/tree/master-01
- gh-pages:http://github.bpgs.de/testrepo/ und https://github.com/bpgs/testrepo/tree/gh-pages
- releases:https://github.com/bpgs/testrepo/releases
- wiki: leer
Arbeiten mit Git
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/test-for-pc
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
A polyfill for CSS units vw, vh & vmin and now some media queries to boot. Works in IE5.5 and Opera Mini
Forked from saabi/vminpoly
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/vminpoly
- gh-pages:http://github.bpgs.de/vminpoly/; funktionieren aber nicht
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
Alternative zu bereits existierenden Plugins für das moziloCMS
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/moziloCMS-plugin-bxslider
- gh-pages:http://github.bpgs.de/moziloCMS-plugin-bxslider/
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
forked from daneden/animate.css
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/animate.css
- ausbrackets:https://github.com/bpgs/animate.css/tree/ausbrackets
- gh-pages:http://github.bpgs.de/animate.css/
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
HTML5 Responsive Website Tutorial by http://www.lingulo.com
forked from ChristophAnastasiades/Lingulo-Responsive-Tutorial
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/Lingulo-Responsive-Tutorial
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
A blue themed Telegram template
forked from telegr-am/template-blue
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/Lingulo-Responsive-Tutorial
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
The Telegram How To pages
forked from telegr-am/howto
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/howto
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
Diese Inhalte werden über http://telegr.am gehostet auf https://gitties.telegr.am
Flat Icon Generator
forked from mr-alien/fig
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/fig
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
jQuery Google Newsbar Plugin
forked from kbwood/gsnewsbar
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/gsnewsbar
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
Screenshots with JavaScript
forked from saabi/html2canvas
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/html2canvas
- rc:https://github.com/bpgs/html2canvas/tree/rc
- develop:https://github.com/bpgs/html2canvas/tree/develop
- gh-pages:http://github.bpgs.de/html2canvas; funktioniert nicht
- releases: 7 auf https://github.com/bpgs/html2canvas/releases/tag/0.4.1
- wiki: leer
SEOstats is a powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics
forked from eyecatchup/SEOstats
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/SEOstats
- wip-cs:https://github.com/bpgs/SEOstats/tree/wip-cs
- dev-253:https://github.com/bpgs/SEOstats/tree/dev-253
- gh-pages:http://github.bpgs.de/SEOstats; funktioniert nicht
- releases: 2 auf https://github.com/bpgs/SEOstats/releases
- wiki: leer
Mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
forked from eyecatchup/Swiper
- master:https://github.com/bpgs/Swiper
- gh-pages:keine
- releases:keine
- wiki: leer
A jQuery plugin that creates slick app look-alike sliding menus for your (mobile) website.
forked from eyecatchup/jQuery.mmenu
Simple demo which shows how to use the CSS mask-image property in a responsive fashion
forked from oslego/responsive-mask-image
Quick demonstration of CSS background blend modes
forked from oslego/cssblending
Simple demo with CSS Shapes
forked from oslego/css-shapes-espresso
fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
forked from alvarotrigo/fullPage.js
jQuery Google Charting Plugin
forked from kbwood/gchart
forked from oslego/rich-experiences-future-web-
Presentation or rich web experiences
forked from n33/skel
A www frontend framework.
forked from oslego/css-regions-sample
forked from Pawka/awesome-php
A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
forked from alvarotrigo/funnyText.js
Create funny and crazy moving texts in a simple way
forked from micjamking/navigataur
A pure CSS responsive navigation menu
forked from javallone/regexper
Regular Expression Visualization Site
forked from hakimel/reveal.js
The HTML Presentation Framework
forked from impress/impress.js
It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
forked from louisremi/jquery.transform.js
jQuery cssHooks adding a cross browser transform property to
forked from Stereobit/dragend
dragend JS – a jQuery plugin for content swiping
forked from hammerjs/hammer.js
A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this
forked from alvarotrigo/intro.js
A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
forked from heygrady/transform
jQuery 2d transformation plugin
forked from LeaVerou/css3patterns
The popular CSS3 patterns gallery, now on Github :)
forked from AliasIO/Raphael.FreeTransform
Free transform tool for Raphaël elements.
forked from dirkweber/csswarp.js
"warp" HTML text around an arbitrary path.
forked from louisremi/background-size-polyfill
Adds support for background-size "cover" and "contain" to IE8
forked from LeonardoCardoso/Rotate-jQuery
Rotate whatever elements you want with jQuery
forked from serbanghita/jquery-plugins
jQuery plugins made by Serban
forked from tweenjs/tween.js
Javascript tweening engine
forked from maxogden/gh-pages-template
free hosting on github! fork this to get a repo with only a gh-pages branch that is easy to edit
forked from zachstronaut/jquery-animate-css-rotate-scale
A monkey patch for jQuery 1.3.1+ that adds support for setting or animating CSS scale and rotation independently.
forked from luis-almeida/jPages
Client side pagination with jQuery and CSS3
forked from zachstronaut/rotate3Di
Rotate3Di is a jQuery Effect Plugin that makes it possible to do an isometric 3D flip or 3D rotation of any HTML content.
forked from telegr-am/template-green
A Green themed template for Telegram sites
forked from phoboslab/Asaph
A micro-blogging system, focusing on collecting links and images
forked from alvarotrigo/Front-end--jQuery--CSS-
UI Interface - Front-end design
forked from blasten/turn.js
The page flip effect for HTML5
forked from samizdatco/arbor
a graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery
forked from AliasIO/Raphael.Export
Export Raphaël paper objects to SVG.
forked from kbwood/svg
jQuery SVG plugin
forked from jacobrask/CSS1K
A demonstration of what can be accomplished with only 1 K of CSS.
forked from twbs/bootstrap
HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter
forked from garygarside/Responsive-HTML5-Canvas
A little experiment to see how easy it was to make a canvas and a child object relative.
forked from dirkweber/traqball.js
A small javascript library for CSS3 3D capable browsers. It creates a virtual trackball around a block level element, making it possible to rotate it freely around it's X-, Y- and Z-axis in 3D space.
forked from DevGrow/jQuery-Mobile-PHP-MVC
A simple PHP MVC framework utilizing jQuery Mobile.
forked from saebekassebil/fontviewer
A part of the Subito Project. Providing an easy way to list all glyphs contained by a SVG font file.