This is the source of the new site
Static site:
bundle exec jekyll build
open _site/install.html
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
open http://localhost:4000/step-definitions.html
There are two ways you can contribute: By improving content or by improving design. Both happen via pull requests.
There should be *.md
files lying around that don't have a lot of content in them. Feel free to add content here.
You can do this straight in your browser via Find the file and click Edit button.
You can also add new .md
pages, but if you do, please update the navigation menu as well---you'll find it in _config.yml
Keep in mind that this site aims to document everything Cucumber in a platform neutral way, so if you're adding code snippets, please use a tab pane (see
) so that users can see code examples in various programming languages. You don't have to add code for all languages, we'll do our best to fill that in afterwards.
If you wish to make changes to the design you need to build the site locally. First, fork this repo and clone your own fork.
Now that you have the code, get the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
This will pull in a fork of Twitter Bootstrap under vendor/bootstrap
. This fork has some modifications from the official Bootstrap - mainly in variables.less
If you make changes to Bootstrap you have to rebuild it. Standing in vendor/bootstrap
, run:
# Check Bootstrap's README for detailed build instructions
make build clean bootstrap
# Alternatively, you can build automatically when you save a .less file
# in which case you should set bootstrap_min: false in _config.yml
make watch
This should make some changes in the compiled files as well - vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap
. In the official Bootstrap repo this directory isn't added to git (it's generated), but for our fork it's added to git. This makes the compiled bootstrap CSS and JavaScript available to the live site when it's pushed to Github Pages, because it automatically fetches submodules.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of Git, you'll have to push any changes to Bootstrap to your own fork of Cucumber's Bootstrap. Assuming you have only forked this repo (
), you also need to fork
When you have done that, add a remote to your fork when you're standing in the vendor/bootstrap
git remote add YOURUSER [email protected]:YOURUSER/bootstrap.git
Now you can push your changes to your fork:
git push YOURUSER master
And it's time to send a pull request!
Upgrading it:
rm -Rf vendor/bootstrap*
pushd vendor
curl --silent --location | tar xvz
npm install less
# Use --compress instead of --compile for copmpression
node_modules/.bin/recess --compile vendor/bootstrap-2.3.1/less/bootstrap.less > stylesheets/bootstrap.css