0.1.3 | May 31, 2022
FormGear | Ver. 0.1.3
May 31, 2022
- Update formMode:
1 => OPEN
This mode is used for data collection activities in general, and it allows users to modify all components of questions and remarks according to the template's constraints.
This mode is used to review the questionnaire post-data collection, and it only allows users to add remarks on each component based on the examination findings.
3 => CLOSE
This mode is used just to review the questionnaire upon post-data collection and examination findings.
- Update label view css on SelectInput inline with required and hint instruction.
- Set clickable label on nested input button to enter the nested section.
- Remove reformat answer onValueChange on MaskingInput.
- Update error list css on MaskingInput as other.
- Reactive changes in related components when dependent selectInput change.
- Trigger save (including response, principal, remark, and reference) on post remark.
- Add cols and rows property to specify in a grid layout on components.
"label":"Address", "dataKey":"address", "type":30, "rows":3
"label":"Healthy neighborhood rating", "dataKey":"rating", "type":26, "cols":5,
- Fix function eval expression on enableSection
- Fix copied attribute enableCondition while creating sidebar component