1.0.3 | August 1, 2022
FormGear | Ver. 1.0.3
August 1, 2022
Optimized Performance
- Redeploy set enable from on value change to after saving answer
- Reengineer code for setSummary
- Reengineer code to filter components which not run any expression on disabled components
- Add signature input
"label":"Signature", "dataKey":"signa", "required":true, "type":36
- Add api validation for type string or number input by add urlValidation property to the component
"label":"Email", "dataKey":"email", "urlValidation": "http://localhost:8000/validate/email/", "type":31
- Add input range for
"rangeInput": [ { "min": "2022-01-25", "max": "today" } ]
- Add loader on page change
- Add cursor pointer on summary, radio, checkbox, and nested button
- Add email validation
- Add error message toast on evaluate expression failure
- Update view
- Update Gps value response
[ { "value": { "latitude": -6.165237, "longitude": 106.8376027 }, "label": "https://maps.google.com/maps?q=-6.165237,106.8376027&output=embed" }, { "label": "map", "value": "https://maps.google.com/maps?q=-6.165237,106.8376027&output=embed" }, { "label": "latitude", "value": -6.165237 }, { "label": "longitude", "value": 106.8376027 } ]
- Update URL encode for online lookup
- Fix enablingSidebar including section and nested
- Fix duplicate sidebar when creating nested
- Fix sidebar sorting
- Handle get the undefined sidebar
- Fix checkbox options to type string