Clone project and install dependencies:
- Clone repository:
git clone
- CD into folder:
cd mailer
- Install composer:
composer install
- Install NPM packages:
npm install
- Duplicate environment file with:
cp .env.example .env
- Create APP_KEY with:
php artisan key:generate
Set up database:
- Open Sequel Pro
- Connect to localhost (retrieve Username and Password for upcoming step)
- Add database "mailer"
Connect to database:
- Open
folder in text editor of choice - Open ".env" file
- Change "DB_DATABASE=laravel" to "DB_DATABASE=mailer"
- Change "DB_USERNAME=root" to "DB_USERNAME={insert your localhost Username here}"
- Change "DB_PASSWORD=" to "DB_PASSWORD={insert your localhost Password here}"
Seed database and serve page:
- Open terminal in the "mailer" folder
- Run the migrations and seed the database:
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Serve page:
php artisan serve
- Visit page in the browser: ""