REST API JavaScript Application for a storefront backend
Run psql Terminal
Log into postgres database as user postgres OR log into any database as user postgres
Run below commands one by one to set up the test database for the storefront api:
For testing purposes: CREATE DATABASE storefront_db_test; For production purposes: CREATE DATABASE storefront_db; CREATE USER storefront_test_user with encrypted password 'store123'; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public to storefront_test_user; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE storefront_db_test (or storefront_db for production) to storefront_test_user; ALTER DATABASE storefront_db_test (or storefront_db in production) OWNER TO storefront_test_user;
Then run below commands to confirm database and user creation Switch to database storefront_db_test by running:
\c storefront_db_test
Confirm no relations in database:
Open a new terminal and navigate to project root folder i.e Open the project folder in a terminal
To install yarn globally npm install yarn -g
To install package.json dependencies and other dependencies yarn install
In the project root folder, create a new file and name it .env The .env file will store environment variables
The following lines are an example of what goes into the .env file. Copy paste into your .env file
POSTGRES_HOST= POSTGRES_DB=storefront_db POSTGRES_TEST_DB=storefront_db_test POSTGRES_USER=storefront_test_user POSTGRES_PASSWORD=store123 ENV=dev BCRYPT_PASSWORD=secret-password-to-passageway SALT_ROUNDS=8 TOKEN_SECRET=b1envenu3$
Backend Application: Port 3000 Database: Port 5432
- In your package.json file, change ENV=test to ENV=dev in the "test": script line
- Run "db-migrate up" without quotes to create tables
- Run "yarn watch" (without quotes) to run the server on port 3000 You get the message "Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes." on successful run
- Visit http://localhost:3000/ to confirm from the browser that the app is up and running
Visit below routes as outlined to carry out respective operations:
For test data, navigate to the utils folder and copy paste json lines as needed into Postman.
Create user: /users/create [POST]
User login: /users/login [POST]
Copy returned token and paste in Postman > Authorization > Bearer Token
Return user with id: /users/:userId [GET]
Return all users: /users/ [GET]
Delete user with id: /users/delete/:id [DELETE]
- Create product: /products/create [POST]
- Return product with id: /products/:prodId [GET]
- Return category products: /products/category/:cat [GET]
- Return all products: /products/ [GET]
- Delete product with id: /products/delete/:id [DELETE]
- Create order: /orders/create [GET]
- Return active orders with user id: /orders/active/:userId [GET]
- Update order status: /orders/update-status [POST]
- Return completed orders with user id: /orders/completed/:userId [GET]
- Return all orders belonging to user: /orders/all/:userId [GET]
- Delete order by id: /orders/delete/:id [DELETE]
To build the project and run tests:
yarn test
yarn prettier
yarn lint