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Map/Reduce application that analyzes movie ratings collected by Movielens, leveraging Hadoop MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System and Apache Flume. Coursework in Structures and Architectures for Big Data 2016/2017.


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A map/reduce application for movie analytics, leveraging Hadoop and Movielens.

Coursework in Systems and Architectures for Big Data 2016/2017


The system needs to be provided with the following packages:

  • Java >= 1.8.0
  • Maven >= 3.3.9
  • Hadoop = 2.8.0
  • Hive >= 2.1.1
  • HBase >= 1.2.6
  • Flume >= 1.7.0
  • Postgresql >= 9.4.0

and the following environment variables, pointing to the respective package home directory:



Build the map/reduce driver for all queries:

$> mvn clean package -P driver


Start the environment:

$moviedoop_home> bash

If it is the first environment setup, you need to run:

$moviedoop_home> bash format

WARNING: notice that the last command will format your HDFS and Hive metastore.

The general job submission is as follows:

$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar <MOVIEDOOP-JAR> <PROGRAM> [HADOOP_OPTS] [PROGRAM_OPTS] <ARGS>


  • [MOVIEDOOP-JAR] is the local absolute path to the Mooviedoop's JAR;
  • [PROGRAM] is the name of the map/reduce program to execute;
  • [HADOOP_OPTS] are optional Hadoop options (e.g. -Dopt=val);
  • [PROGRAM_OPTS] are optional program options (e.g. -D opt=val);
  • [ARGS] are the mandatory program arguments.

Notice that the following map/reduce programs are available:

  • query1_1 the 1st query, leveraging inner join (repartition join).
  • query1_2 the 1st query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on map).
  • query1_3 the 1st query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce).
  • query1_4 the 1st query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce) and optimizations on average computation (type 1).
  • query1_5 the 1st query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce) and optimizations on average computation (type 2).
  • query1_6 the 1st query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on mapper), optimizations on average computation (type 2) and ORC serialization.
  • query2_1 the 2nd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce)
  • query2_2 the 2nd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce) and aggregation on ratings' score (type 1).
  • query2_3 the 2nd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce) and aggregation type 1 and aggregation on ratings' movieID (type 2)
  • query2_4 the 2nd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce) and aggregations type 1, type 2 and aggregations of genres (type 3).
  • query2_5 the 2nd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on reduce) and aggregations: type 1, type 2 and (type 3); and ORC serialization.
  • query3_1 the 3rd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on map) and BestMap for top-k.
  • query3_2 the 3rd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on map), BestMap for top-k and optimizations on average computation (type 1).
  • query3_3 the 3rd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on map), BestMap for top-k and optimizations on average computation (type 2).
  • query3_4 the 3rd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on map), BestMap for top-k, optimizations on average computation (type 2) and ORC serialization.
  • query3_5 the 3rd query, leveraging inner join (replication join, distributed cache on map), BestMap for top-k, optimizations on average computation (type 2), ORC serialization and parallel jobs.

Read the output:

$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop hdfs -cat [RESULT]/*

where [RESULT] is the HDFS directory of results.

Stop the environment:

$moviedoop_home> bash


$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar <MOVIEDOOP-JAR> query1_6 [HADOOP_OPTS] [PROGRAM_OPTS] <IN_RATINGS> <IN_MOVIES> <OUT>


  • [MOVIEDOOP-JAR] is the local absolute path to the Mooviedoop's JAR;
  • [HADOOP_OPTS] are optional Hadoop options (e.g. -Dopt=val);
  • [PROGRAM_OPTS] are optional program options (e.g. -D opt=val);
  • [IN_RATINGS] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory containing the ratings data set;
  • [IN_MOVIES] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory containing the movies data set;
  • [OUT] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory for the output.

Important note: query1_1 accepts only Text input files, while query1_6 accepts only ORC input files.

The following program options are available:

  • the lower bound for the movie average rating;
  • the lower bound for the movie rating timestamp (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyyThh:mm:ss);
  • moviedoop.average.reduce.cardinality: the number of reducers for the average job.

Here is an example:

$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar moviedoop-1.0.jar \
query1_6 \
-D \
-D \
-D moviedoop.average.reduce.cardinality=2 \
/hdfs/path/to/ratings \
/hdfs/path/to/movies \


$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar <MOVIEDOOP-JAR> query2_5 [HADOOP_OPTS] [PROGRAM_OPTS] <IN_RATINGS> <IN_MOVIES> <OUT>


  • [MOVIEDOOP-JAR] is the local absolute path to the Mooviedoop's JAR;
  • [HADOOP_OPTS] are optional Hadoop options (e.g. -Dopt=val);
  • [PROGRAM_OPTS] are optional program options (e.g. -D opt=val);
  • [IN_RATINGS] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory containing the ratings data set;
  • [IN_MOVIES] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory containing the movies data set;
  • [OUT] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory for the output.

Important note: query2_1 accepts only Text input files, while query2_5 accepts only ORC input files.

The following program options are available:

  • moviedoop.ratings.reduce.cardinality: the number of reducers for the ratings job.
  • moviedoop.average.reduce.cardinality: the number of reducers for the average job.

Here is an example:

$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar moviedoop-1.0.jar \
query2_5 \
-D moviedoop.ratings.reduce.cardinality=2 \
-D moviedoop.average.reduce.cardinality=2 \
/hdfs/path/to/ratings \
/hdfs/path/to/movies \


$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar <MOVIEDOOP-JAR> query3_5 [HADOOP_OPTS] [PROGRAM_OPTS] <IN_RATINGS> <IN_MOVIES> <OUT>


  • [MOVIEDOOP-JAR] is the local absolute path to the Mooviedoop's JAR;
  • [HADOOP_OPTS] are optional Hadoop options (e.g. -Dopt=val);
  • [PROGRAM_OPTS] are optional program options (e.g. -D opt=val);
  • [IN_RATINGS] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory containing the ratings data set;
  • [IN_MOVIES] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory containing the movies data set;
  • [OUT] is the HDFS absolute path to the directory for the output.

Important note: query3_1 accepts only Text input files, while query3_5 accepts only ORC input files.

The following program options are available:

  • moviedoop.topk.size: the movies top rank size;
  • the lower bound for the movie rating timestamp considered for top ranking (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyyThh:mm:ss);
  • moviedoop.average.rating.timestamp.ub.1: the upper bound for the movie rating timestamp considered for top ranking (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyyThh:mm:ss);
  • the lower bound for the movie rating timestamp considered for total ranking (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyyThh:mm:ss);
  • moviedoop.average.rating.timestamp.ub.2: the upper bound for the movie rating timestamp considered for total ranking (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyyThh:mm:ss);
  • moviedoop.average.reduce.cardinality: the number of reducers for the average job;
  • moviedoop.topk.reduce.cardinality: the number of reducers for the topk job;
  • moviedoop.sort.reduce.cardinality: the number of reducers for the sort job;
  • moviedoop.sort.partition.samples: the number of samples for the total sort partition;
  • moviedoop.sort.partition.frequency: the frequency for the total sort partition;
  • moviedoop.sort.partition.splits.max: the maximum number of splits for the total sort partition.

Here is an example:

$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop jar moviedoop-1.0.jar \
query3_5 \
-D moviedoop.topk.size=10 \
-D \
-D moviedoop.average.rating.timestamp.ub.1=01/01/1991 \
-D \
-D moviedoop.average.rating.timestamp.ub.2=01/01/1989 \
-D moviedoop.average.reduce.cardinality=2 \
-D moviedoop.topk.reduce.cardinality=2 \
-D moviedoop.sort.reduce.cardinality=2 \
-D moviedoop.sort.partition.samples=1000 \
-D moviedoop.sort.partition.frequency=0.01 \
-D moviedoop.sort.partition.splits.max=100 \
/hdfs/path/to/ratings \
/hdfs/path/to/movies \

Data Ingestion/Exportation

The environment setup activates both the data ingestion and exportation. In particular it activates the following Flume agents:

  • movies_agent: imports movies dataset from the local spooldir /path/to/moviedoop/data/flume/movies to the HDFS directory /user/flume/movies as an external Hive table in sequence file format;
  • movies_agent: imports ratings dataset from the local spooldir /path/to/moviedoop/data/flume/ratings to the HDFS directory /user/flume/ratings as an external Hive table in sequence file format;
  • query1_agent: exports the results of query1 from hdfs:///user/moviedoop/output/query1 to the HBase table query1;
  • query2_agent: exports the results of query2 from hdfs:///user/moviedoop/output/query2 to the HBase table query2;
  • query3_agent: exports the results of query3 from hdfs:///user/moviedoop/output/query3 to the HBase table query3.


The performance of all queries can be evaluated running the bash scripts in folder eval/. Every evaluation script compares the baseline and the optimized implementation of a specific query, generating a report file in the same directory. For user's convenience, all the evaluation reports have been included in eval/out The following evaluation scripts are available:

  • evaluates query1 by comparing the performance of the baseline implementation (1.1) with the best implementation (1.6);
  • evaluates query1 by comparing the performance of the baseline implementation (2.1) with the best implementation (2.5);
  • evaluates query1 by comparing the performance of the baseline implementation (3.1) with the best implementation (3.5);


Giacomo Marciani, [email protected]

Michele Porretta, [email protected]


Systems and Architectures for Big Data, course by prof. Valeria Cardellini. 2016/2017 Read here


The project is released under the MIT License.


Map/Reduce application that analyzes movie ratings collected by Movielens, leveraging Hadoop MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System and Apache Flume. Coursework in Structures and Architectures for Big Data 2016/2017.








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