A simple e-Commerce RESTApi with golang for golang assestment in PandaiSuite/Cognotiv
- Install Golang SDK in your computer
- Install MySQL in your computer
- Create Database, e.g database name is simple_ecommerce
- Import Sql file named
in folderrequirements
mysql -u username -p database_name < simple_ecommerce-db.sql
- Copy example.config.toml to config.toml (root project folder), and change configuration with your own configuration
mode = development | production
port = <your_desired_port>
debug = true
log_path = <your_desired_log_path>
timezone = <your_desired_timezone>
if mode = production
, the log will append in file you choose in log_path
else the log will append in console
username = <your_desired_username>
password = <your_desired_password>
port = <your_desired_port>
host = <your_desired_host>
from_sender = <your_desired_from_sender>
This app using SMTP for sending email, please change with your own configuration
timeout = <your_desired_jwt_timespan>
signature_key = <your_desired_singnature_key_of_jwt>
issuer = <your_desired_issuer>
This app using JWT as authentication
db_driver = "mysql"
db_url = "username:password@(host:port)/dbName?parseTime=true"
props_max_idle = 3
props_max_conn = 3
props_max_lifetime = 3
This App using mysql, so you can adjust the configuration
To deploy this project run
go build -o simple_ecommerce.exe
Or if you just want to run golang project (dev)
go run main.go
i've export POSTMAN for this project, you can use and import it to your POSTMAN, the file for export named simple_ecommerce.postman_collection.json
in folder requirements
POST /api/auth/register
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
name |
string |
Yes. | Name of Customer |
email |
string |
Yes. | Email of Customer as Username |
password |
string |
Yes. | Password of Customer |
POST /api/auth/login
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
email |
string |
Yes. | Email of Customer as Username |
password |
string |
Yes. | Password of Customer |
POST /api/auth/login_admin
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
email |
string |
Yes. | Email of Customer as Username |
password |
string |
Yes. | Password of Customer |
After Get JWT Token From POST /api/auth/login
, you can access Customer API
Authorization: Bearer <your_Customer_JWT_Token>
You'll get all products can order
Authorization: Bearer <your_Customer_JWT_Token>
GET /api/customer/product
Parameter | Type | Description |
None |
- |
No Parameter |
You'll get a product detail
Authorization: Bearer <your_Customer_JWT_Token>
GET /api/customer/product/${id}
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
id |
string |
Yes. | Id of Product to fetch |
You can create an order one or more product
Authorization: Bearer <your_Customer_JWT_Token>
POST /api/customer/order
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
order_products |
array of order_product |
Yes. | List Of Ordered Product |
order_product Struct
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
product_id |
int |
Yes. | Id Of Product |
quantity |
int |
Yes. | Quantity Of Ordered Product |
This is sample body request (JSON) for this API
"order_products" :[
"product_id" : 2,
"quantity" : 2
"product_id" : 3,
"quantity" : 1
You'll get all order of current customer (based on JWT Token/customer id)
Authorization: Bearer <your_Customer_JWT_Token>
GET /api/customer/order
Parameter | Type | Description |
None |
- |
No Parameter |
You'll get an order detail by id
Authorization: Bearer <your_Customer_JWT_Token>
GET /api/customer/order
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Description |
id |
string |
Yes. | Id of Order to fetch |
After Get JWT Token From POST /api/auth/login_admin
, you can access Admin API
Authorization: Bearer <your_Admin_JWT_Token>
You'll get all order of all customer
Authorization: Bearer <your_Admin_JWT_Token>
GET /api/admin/order
Parameter | Type | Description |
None |
- |
No Parameter |
- Validation using https://github.com/go-playground/validator
- Database access using https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx
- Web Framework (Router, Limitter, etc) using https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
- Database using MySQL
- JWT Library using https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt
- Cron Scheduler using https://github.com/robfig/cron
- Configuration File Reader using https://github.com/spf13/viper
- SMTP Library using https://gopkg.in/gomail.v2
For contact, email akhmad.mib@gmail.com