Shell script to run arbitrary CloudStack API commands locally on your CS management server. You can tab complete every CloudStack API command as well as every parameter for every command. :)
(Also included are scripts to generate the programmable completion)
usage: cloud-api <command> [<param>[=<value]] ...
commands and params may be tab-completed.
if you install the `highlight' program, output will be colored.
For example:
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# cloud-api list<TAB>
listAccounts listOsCategories
listAlerts listOsTypes
listAsyncJobs listPods
listCapabilities listPools
listCapacity listPortForwardingRules
listClusters listPublicIpAddresses
listConfigurations listRemoteAccessVpns
listDiskOfferings listResourceLimits
listDomainChildren listRouters
listDomains listSecurityGroups
listEvents listServiceOfferings
listEventTypes listSnapshotPolicies
listExternalFirewalls listSnapshots
listExternalLoadBalancers listSSHKeyPairs
listFirewallRules listStoragePools
listHosts listSystemVms
listHypervisors listTemplatePermissions
listInstanceGroups listTemplates
listIpForwardingRules listTrafficMonitors
listIsoPermissions listUsageRecords
listIsos listUsers
listLoadBalancerRuleInstances listVirtualMachines
listLoadBalancerRules listVlanIpRanges
listLunsOnFiler listVolumes
listNetworkDevice listVolumesOnFiler
listNetworkOfferings listVpnUsers
listNetworks listZones
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# cloud-api listVol<TAB>
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# cloud-api listVolumes <TAB>
account= isrecursive= pagesize= zoneid=
domainid= keyword= podid=
hostid= name= type=
id= page= virtualmachineid=
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# cloud-api listVolumes key<TAB>
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# cloud-api listVolumes keyword=
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# cloud-api listVolumes keyword=root
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<listvolumesresponse cloud-stack-version="">
<serviceofferingname>Small Instance</serviceofferingname>
<serviceofferingdisplaytext>Small Instance, $0.05 per hour</serviceofferingdisplaytext>
This project is unpackaged, so just copy a couple files into place:
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# mv cloud-api /usr/local/bin
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# mv /etc/profile.d
If you want syntax highlighting, install the highlight
package from the EPEL
[root@cs-mgmt:~]# yum -y install highlight #optional; from epel
Logout and log back in and see if you can tab-complete cloud-api
arguments... (If you can't, you might need to tune your ~/.bashrc
to explicitly
source the
If you want to regenerate the
or cloudstack_api_XXX.json
files, install the nokogiri
, json
, and erubis
gems. Then run the scripts
like so:
$ ./cloudstack_api_generator.rb
That should generate a JSON file called cloudstack_api_2.2.14.json
Then to generate the bash completion function:
./bash_comp_generator.rb cloudstack_api_2.2.14.json >
The generator scripts may not work with Ruby 1.8.x ...haven't tried.