Docker build for mytinytodo 1.4.3.
Uses stock 1.4.3 + one CSS change to make the checkbox bigger on mobile.
Based on the ulsmith/alpine-apache-php7 image. Resulting image is about 150 MB, and uses <10 MB RAM in use.
Uses SQLite for storing data.
git clone
Note: On Windows hosts add --config core.autocrlf=input
to the above git command to correct issues with line end formats.
docker build . --tag=mytinytodo
docker run --name mytinytodo -v db:/app/public/db -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -d --restart unless-stopped mytinytodo
Load to complete setup.
After setup is complete:
docker exec mytinytodo rm /app/public/setup.php
- Script out database setup