A collection of custom knockout binding handlers
Show/hide elements with bindable transitions and settings Uses jquery effects
static binding
<div data-bind="transitionVisible: itemVisible,
effect: 'slide',
effectOptions: {easing: 'linear'},
duration: 1000">text to toggle</div>
<div data-bind="transitionVisible: itemVisible,
effect: 'explode',
effectOptions: {easing: 'swing', pieces: 4},
duration: 1000,
effectComplete: completedFunction">text to toggle</div>
Also supports observable binding for all properties
<div data-bind="transitionVisible: itemVisible,
effect: obsTransition,
effectOptions: {easing: obsEasing},
duration: obsDuration">text to toggle</div>
For jQuery, only the 'fade' and 'slide' effects are available and supports only the easing and duration properties.
In the presence of jQuery UI, all of the following effects are supported with any options passed into the effectOptions property:
- fade
- slide
- blind
- bounce
- clip
- drop
- explode
- fold
- highlight
- puff
- pulsate
- scale
- shake
- size
Examples: https://brettwgreen.github.io/KnockoutBindings/examples/transitionVisible/transitionVisible.html
Plunkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/QBnS2WsSelI5Mhrk2R5v?p=preview