Arduboy / Linux port of ZX81 Mazogs game
This is as accurate a copy of the original ZX81 game as I can manage within the confines of the Arduboy hardware. As with the original there is no sound as the ZX81 hardware does not support it. Maze generation logic etc are similar.
Use Arduino IDE version 1.6.6 or newer to compile. You will probably get an warning about "Low memory available, stability problems may occur' - you can safely ignore this, in practice the game runs stable.
The original ZX81 version instructions etc apply and are at:
The file '' contains the MS Paint BMP files used and a C program to generate the tiles4x4.c and tiles24x16.c files.
The file '' contains a linux port of the game, used for development.
(If you have downloaded a file '' and unzip it, you might need to rename the folder from 'mazogs-master' to just 'mazogs' to get things working right. I don't know enough about git to fix this)