#BMS Portfolio Grid for Beaver Builder
This is a custom Beaver Builder module (based on the native Beaver Builder Posts module) that displays posts as a filterable, flip-card grid.
This is NOT a product – I created it to meet the needs of a project. If it doesn't do what you require, you're welcome to fork it, grab the code and modify it to your liking, or even download and delete it just for something to do.
- Beaver Builder plugin
- Portfolio custom post type (You can use the Portfolio Post Type plugin.)
- Follow steps 1 & 2 here: https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/custom-module-documentation/
- Create up to two parent categories to be used as your main filter categories, for example: Modes of Transport, Colours. Under each parent category, add child categories to filter by. See example screenshot.
- Create a portfolio post. The Feature Image will be displayed on the front of the flip card, and the Title and Description will be displayed on the back of the flip card.
- Assign child categories to the portfolio post to determine what its filters will be.
- Write ToDo list