- Interactive Chef allows users to view and add recipes with a twist.
- Navigating through recipe ingredients and steps is made possible using voice commands.
- If you have ever followed a recipe online you've probably tried to scroll through the recipe steps
while trying to avoid touching your expensive device with dirty hands!
- Ruby on Rails 4.2.4
- Ruby version 2.2.1
- Postgresql DB
- Bootstrap version 3
- Google Chrome's Speech Recognition API
- Annyang speech recognition library by TalAter https://github.com/TalAter/annyang
- RevealJS by hakimel https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/
- Nokogiri for Recipe scraping
- View and add recipes in regular web mode
- View Recipes in Audio mode and navigate with voice commands:
- "Next/Right" to move to the next slide.
- "Back/Left" to move to the previous slide.
- "Ingredients" to move to the list of Ingredients slide.
- "Step + Number" to move to specific step, e.g. "Step 1"
- "Resume" to move back to the last step
- "End" to quit Audio mode.
- "Help" to toggle Audio mode help.
- Scrape recipes from AllRecipes.com and save them to local database
- More features to come!