Pipes events from a node HTTP server (vanilla OR express!) to a tagged-logger for winston.
npm install winston-tagged-http-logger
This will create a new winston logger and a new tagged-logger, and use a tagged-console-target to write the output to the console in all the colours of the rainbow.
var server = require('http').createServer();
// create our winston logger
var winston = require('winston');
var winstonLogger = new winston.Logger();
// create a transport so our logs have somewhere to go
var TaggedConsoleTarget = require('tagged-console-target');
winston.add(new TaggedConsoleTarget());
// make a new tagged logger to generate tagged log messages
var TaggedLogger = require('tagged-logger');
var logger = new TaggedLogger(winstonLogger, ['my amazing server']);
// Use this module to pipe the events from an http server to the logger
require('winston-tagged-http-logger')(server, log);
// All done! Events from `server` are now being piped to our `logger`!
- When the server starts running, showing the host and port that the server started on.
- When a request is responded to, the client, path, status code, method and response time are logged.
Why, take a look! Here's an example of a log:
19:35:53.255 2013-06-26 Wednesday
19:35:53.589 [kvass, http] Listening on
19:36:06.359 [kvass, http,] GET /user/active 200 12ms
Broken down, these are the parts of a request log:
the time on the server at which the request was received[kvass, http,
tags that have been assigned to this logger127.0.0.1:50230]
a tag representing the origin of the requestGET
the request method/user/active
the requested path200
the response status code12ms
the time it took to respond to the request