LX is a software library for real-time procedural animation, primarily designed for pixel-based LED lighting systems.
The modular engine design contains a variety of components:
- Generic parameter and time-based modulation APIs
- Geometric model and matrix transformations
- MIDI interactivity
- Real-time audio analysis
- Color composition and blending
Output via a variety of lighting protocols is supported, including:
LX differs from many other lighting/VJ software packages in that it is designed for non-uniform 3-D pixel layouts, rather than dense 2-D screens. Whereas many applications are capable of video mapping LED pixel arrays, LX functions more like a sparse vertex shader. The rendering engine knows the discrete position of each pixel and takes that information into account as each pixel is rendered.
A companion library, P3LX, makes it simple to embed LX in the Processing 3 environment with modular UI controls and simulation, the most typical use case. This core library, however, is free of any dependency on the Processing libraries or runtime.
LX is made available under the GPLv2 with special linking exceptions that permit the use of CoreMidi4J (which improves MIDI support on OSX - thanks Derek!) and google-gson. If this licensing is obstructive to your needs, you may contact me to discuss dual-licensing.
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