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Aframe container with custom controls for use in react applications

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

Table of contents

  1. Development
  2. Install
  3. Props
  4. Exports
  5. VR-Mode
  6. Example


Clone repo and run npm install

Run npm start in one terminal and cd example && npm start in a second terminal. The first terminal will detect changes in the library and the second will deploy the example on http://localhost:3000


npm install react-volume-viewer


The only required props are the model's path, name, and its minimum and maximum data points. The model's path should be imported into the project and passed in from there - see the example project.

CSS styling for the height must be provided, otherwise the height of the component will be 0px. This can be accomplished with styled-components if desired.

VolumeViewer.propTypes = {
  /** Blending enum
   *  Max: Take maximum value at the given point
   *  Min: Take minimum value at the given point
   *  Average: Average all models at each point
  blending: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(Blending)),

  /** Whether or not the controls can be seen */
  controlsVisible: PropTypes.bool,

  /** Array of models loaded into aframe (REQUIRED)
   *    colorMap: Object containing the path to the current color image applied to the model.
   *      name: Common name of the color map (REQUIRED)
   *      path: Path to the color map source image (REQUIRED)
   *    colorMaps: Array of color maps available to the model (controls dropdown)
   *      colorMap must be present in colorMaps
   *      Each colorMap in colorMaps must have a unique name
   *    description: Short description of the model
   *    enabled: Flag to display the model
   *    intensity: Multiplication factor for voxels intensity
   *    name: Unique name given to the model (REQUIRED)
   *    path: Path to the model (REQUIRED)
   *    range: Minimum and maximum values of the model's dataset
   *    transferFunction: The transfer function applied to the color map
   *      Array of {x: <val>, y: <val>} coordinates.
   *      Each coordinate in transferFunction must be between (0, 0) and (1,1)
   *    useTransferFunction: Flag to apply a transfer function to the model
   *    useColorMap: Flag to apply a color map to the model
  models: MODEL,

  /** Position of the dataset in the scene as a "<x> <y> <z>" string
   *    x, y, and z must be valid numbers and are space separated
  position: PropTypes.string,

  /** Position of the dataset in the scene as a "<x> <y> <z>" string
   *    x, y, and z must be valid numbers and are space separated
  rotation: PropTypes.string,

  /** Scale of the dataset in the scene as a "<x> <y> <z>" string
   *    x, y, and z must be valid numbers and are space separated
  scale: PropTypes.string,

  /** Number of slices used to generate the model (REQUIRED) 
   *    slices must be a positive integer
  slices: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

  /** Spacing between the slices of the models a "<x> <y> <z>" string (REQUIRED)
   *    x, y, and z must be valid numbers and are space separated
  spacing: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

   * Sliders for control of clipping along the x, y, and z axes 
   * SLIDER is an array of exactly two values between 0 and 1. slider[0] must be <= slider[1].
   *  slider[0]: Minimum slider value
   *  slider[1]: Maximum slider value
  sliders: PropTypes.exact({
    x: SLIDER,
    y: SLIDER,
    z: SLIDER,

Default Props

Default values are provided for props that are not required. The required props are models, slices, and spacing.

VolumeViewer.defaultProps = {
  blending: Blending.None,
  controlsVisible: false,
  position: "0 0 0",
  rotation: "0 0 0",
  scale: "1 1 1",
  sliders: {
    x: [0, 1],
    y: [0, 1],
    z: [0, 1],



<VolumeViewer /> is the main component exported by this library. It's expected props are detailed above.


The Blending object is used as an enum for the different algorithms that can be used to blending the models together.

const Blending = {
  Max: 0,
  Min: 1,
  Average: 2,


COLOR_MAPS is an object containing some example colormaps. Any/all of the color maps can be imported into your project and passed into [model].colorMaps.

Name Image
Algae Algae
Amp Amp
Balance Balance
Curl Curl
Deep Deep
Delta Delta
Dense Dense
Diff Diff
Grayscale Grayscale
Grayscale_reverse Grayscale_reverse
Haline Haline
Ice Ice
Matter Matter
Natural Natural
Oxy Oxy
Phase Phase
Rain Rain
Rgb Rgb
Solar Solar
Speed Speed
Tarn Tarn
Tempo Tempo
Thermal Thermal
Topo Topo
Turbid Turbid


The DEFAULT_MODEL object holds all of the default properties for a single model.

It will be merged with every model in the models array. Note, however, that there is no default value for name, or path. Each of these properties are required.

  colorMap: COLOR_MAPS.Grayscale,
  colorMaps: [],
  description: "",
  enabled: true,
  intensity: 1,
  range: { min: 0, max: 1, unit: "" },
  transferFunction: [
    { x: 0, y: 0 },
    { x: 1, y: 1 },
  useTransferFunction: true,
  useColorMap: true,


The DEFAULT_SLIDERS export is the default value for the sliders prop. It will be applied automatically if you do not pass sliders into <VolumeViewer />.

  x: [0, 1],
  y: [0, 1],
  z: [0, 1],


VR Mode is only supported for oculus quest devices. Due to the openXR security restrictions for webxr applications, you must open the application in the embedded Oculus Browser and press the VR button at the bottom right of the rendered scene. To debug and develop VR Mode please refer to the official Oculus Development Hub documentation on how to run the application locally in your environment.


An example project can be found on the GitHub Page of this repo.

import React from 'react'
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { VolumeViewer, COLOR_MAPS, Blending } from "react-volume-viewer";

import model1 from "./path/to/model.png";
import model2 from "./path/to/model.png";

const allColorMaps = [...Object.values(COLOR_MAPS)];

function App() {
  const [controlsVisible, setControlsVisible] = React.useState(true);
  const [singleColorMap, setSingleColorMap] = useState(false);
  const [enabled, setEnabled] = React.useState(true)

  const [useTransferFunction, setUseTransferFunction] = useState(true);
  const [useColorMap, setUseColorMap] = useState(true);

  return (
          name: "Salt",
          colorMap: haline,
          ...(!singleColorMap && {
            colorMaps: [COLOR_MAPS.Haline, COLOR_MAPS.thermal, COLOR_MAPS.Grayscale]
          description: "Model visualizing salinity data",
          enabled: enabled,
          path: model1,
          range: {
            min: 0.05,
            max: 33.71,
          transferFunction: [
            { x: 0, y: 0 },
            { x: 0.5, y: 0.75 },
            { x: 1, y: 1 },
          useTransferFunction: useTransferFunction,
          useColorMap: useColorMap,
          name: "Temperature",
          colorMap: thermal,
          ...(!singleColorMap && { 
            colorMaps: [...Object.values(COLOR_MAPS)]
          enabled: enabled,
          description: "Model visualizing temperature data",
          path: {model2},
          range: {
            min: 2.5,
            max: 42,
            unit: "°C",
          useTransferFunction: useTransferFunction,
          useColorMap: useColorMap,
      rotation="-55 0 0"
      scale="1 -1 1"
      spacing="2 2 1"

const StyledVolumeViewer = styled(VolumeViewer)`
  height: 50vh;

export default App

Tiff to PNG

The models in the example app are created using tiff-volume-2png. The program converts tiff image sequences to down-scaled 2D images - the format this volume viewer requires.


MIT © brown-ccv


Volume Viewer package for react based websites







No packages published

Contributors 4

