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feat: upgrade psr configuration #812

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions project/.github/workflows/ci.yml.jinja
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ jobs:

# Do a dry run of PSR
- name: Test release
uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v9.8.1
uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v9.12.0
if: github.ref_name != 'main'
root_options: --noop

# On main branch: actual PSR + upload to PyPI & GitHub
- name: Release
uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v9.8.1
uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v9.12.0
id: release
if: github.ref_name == 'main'
Expand All @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ jobs:
if: steps.release.outputs.released == 'true'

- name: Publish package distributions to GitHub Releases
uses: python-semantic-release/publish-action@v9.8.1
uses: python-semantic-release/publish-action@v9.12.0
if: steps.release.outputs.released == 'true'
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions project/pyproject.toml.jinja
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,10 +171,18 @@ version_variables = [
build_command = "pip install poetry && poetry build"

insertion_flag = "# CHANGELOG"
mode = "update"
template_dir = "templates"
exclude_commit_patterns = [
"Merge pull request .*",
'''chore(?:\([^)]*?\))?: .+''',
'''ci(?:\([^)]*?\))?: .+''',
'''refactor(?:\([^)]*?\))?: .+''',
'''style(?:\([^)]*?\))?: .+''',
'''test(?:\([^)]*?\))?: .+''',
'''build\((?!deps\): .+)''',
'''Merged? .*''',
'''Initial [Cc]ommit.*''', # codespell:ignore

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions project/templates/.components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{# Insertion flag is the Changelog header so we keep this clear
#}{% if ctx.changelog_mode == "update"
%}{{ insertion_flag ~ "\n"
}}{% endif
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions project/templates/.components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
This changelog template initializes a full changelog for the project,
it follows the following logic:
1. Header
2. Any Unreleased Details (uncommon)
3. all previous releases except the very first release
4. the first release

# Header
#}{% include ""
# Any Unreleased Details (uncommon)
#}{% include ""
# Since this is initialization, we are generating all the previous
# release notes per version. The very first release notes is specialized
#}{% if releases | length - 1 > 0
%}{% for release in releases[:-1]
%}{{ "\n"
}}{% include ""
-%}{{ "\n"
}}{% endfor
%}{% endif
# First Release
#}{% if releases | length > 0
%}{% set release = releases[-1]
%}{{ "\n"
}}{% include ""
-%}{{ "\n"
}}{% endif
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions project/templates/.components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
This Update changelog template uses the following logic:

1. Read previous changelog file (ex. project_root/
2. Split on insertion flag (ex. <!-- version list -->)
3. Print top half of previous changelog
3. New Changes (unreleased commits & newly released)
4. Print bottom half of previous changelog

Note: if a previous file was not found, it does not write anything at the bottom
but render does NOT fail

#}{% set prev_changelog_contents = prev_changelog_file | read_file | safe
%}{% set changelog_parts = prev_changelog_contents.split(insertion_flag, maxsplit=1)
#}{% if changelog_parts | length < 2
%}{# # insertion flag was not found, check if the file was empty or did not exist
#}{% if prev_changelog_contents | length > 0
%}{# # File has content but no insertion flag, therefore, file will not be updated
#}{{ changelog_parts[0]
}}{% else
%}{# # File was empty or did not exist, therefore, it will be created from scratch
#}{% include ""
%}{% endif
%}{% else
# Previous Changelog Header
# - Depending if there is header content, then it will separate the insertion flag
# with a newline from header content, otherwise it will just print the insertion flag
#}{% set prev_changelog_top = changelog_parts[0] | trim
%}{% if prev_changelog_top | length > 0
"%s\n\n%s\n" | format(prev_changelog_top, insertion_flag | trim)

}}{% else
"%s\n" | format(insertion_flag | trim)

}}{% endif
# Any Unreleased Details (uncommon)
#}{% include ""
#}{% if releases | length == 1
%}{# # First Release detected
#}{{ "\n"
}}{% include ""
%}{{ "\n"
}}{% else
%}{# # Latest Release Details
#}{% for release in new_releases
%}{# # Check if the release version is already in the changelog and if not, add it
#}{% if "# " ~ release.version.as_semver_tag() ~ " " not in changelog_parts[1]
%}{{ "\n"
}}{%- include ""
-%}{{ "\n"
}}{% endif
%}{% endfor
%}{% endif
# Previous Changelog Footer
# - skips printing footer if empty, which happens when the insertion_flag
# was at the end of the file (ignoring whitespace)
#}{% set previous_changelog_bottom = changelog_parts[1] | trim
%}{% if previous_changelog_bottom | length > 0
%}{{ "\n%s\n" | format(previous_changelog_bottom)
}}{% endif
%}{% endif
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions project/templates/.components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
{% from '' import apply_alphabetical_ordering_by_descriptions
%}{% from '' import apply_alphabetical_ordering_by_brk_descriptions
%}{% from '' import format_breaking_changes_description
%}{% from '' import format_commit_summary_line

### Features

- Add new feature ([#10](, [`abcdef0`](

- **scope**: Add new feature ([`abcdef0`](

### Fixes

- Fix bug (#11, [`abcdef1`](


- With the change _____, the change causes ___ effect. Ultimately, this section
it is a more detailed description of the breaking change. With an optional
scope prefix like the commit messages above.

- **scope**: this breaking change has a scope to identify the part of the code that
this breaking change applies to for better context.

#}{% set max_line_width = 100
%}{% set hanging_indent = 2
#}{% for type_, commits in commit_objects if type_ != "unknown"
"\n### %s\n" | format(type_ | title)

}}{% set ns = namespace(commits=commits)
%}{{ apply_alphabetical_ordering_by_descriptions(ns) | default("", true)
#}{% for commit in ns.commits
%}{% set commit_line = "- %s" | format(format_commit_summary_line(commit, hvcs_type))
%}{{ "\n%s\n" | format(
commit_line | autofit_text_width(max_line_width, hanging_indent)
}}{% endfor
%}{% endfor
# # Determine if there are any breaking change commits by seeing if the type exists
# # commit_objects is a list of tuples [("breaking", [ParsedCommit(), ...]), ("Features", [ParsedCommit(), ...])]
#}{% if "breaking" in commit_objects | map(attribute="0") | list
%}{# # Filter out breaking change commits that have no breaking descriptions
# 1. first filter the list for only tuples of type breaking
# 2. Re-map the list to only the list of commits under the breaking category from the list of tuples
# 3. Peel off the outer list to get a list of ParsedCommit objects
# 4. Filter the list of ParsedCommits to only those with a breaking description
#}{% set breaking_commits = commit_objects | selectattr("0", "equalto", "breaking") | map(attribute="1.0")
%}{% set breaking_commits = breaking_commits | selectattr("breaking_descriptions.0") | list
%}{% if breaking_commits | length > 0
#}{% set brk_ns = namespace(commits=breaking_commits)
%}{{ apply_alphabetical_ordering_by_brk_descriptions(brk_ns) | default("", true)
#}{% for commit in brk_ns.commits
%}{% set full_description = "- %s" | format(
format_breaking_changes_description(commit).split("\n\n") | join("\n\n- ")
%}{{ "\n%s\n" | format(
full_description | autofit_text_width(max_line_width, hanging_indent)
}}{% endfor
%}{% endif
%}{% endif
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions project/templates/.components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@



"## %s (%s)" | format(


- Initial Release
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions project/templates/.components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
MACRO: format the breaking changes description by:
- Capitalizing the description
- Adding an optional scope prefix
#}{% macro format_breaking_changes_description(commit)
%}{% set ns = namespace(full_description="")
#}{% if commit.error is undefined
%}{% for paragraph in commit.breaking_descriptions
%}{% if paragraph | trim | length > 0
%}{% set paragraph_text = [
paragraph.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[0] | capitalize,
paragraph.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
] | join(" ") | trim | safe
%}{% set ns.full_description = [ns.full_description, paragraph_text] | join("\n\n")
%}{% endif
%}{% endfor
#}{% set ns.full_description = ns.full_description | trim
#}{% if commit.scope
%}{% set ns.full_description = "**%s**: %s" | format(commit.scope, ns.full_description)
%}{% endif
%}{% endif
#}{{ ns.full_description
}}{% endmacro

MACRO: apply smart ordering of commits objects based on alphabetized breaking changes and then scopes
- Commits are sorted based on the commit type and the commit message
- Commits are grouped by the commit type
- parameter: ns (namespace) object with a commits list
- returns None but modifies the ns.commits list in place
#}{% macro apply_alphabetical_ordering_by_brk_descriptions(ns)
%}{% set ordered_commits = []
# # Eliminate any ParseError commits from input set
#}{% set filtered_commits = ns.commits | rejectattr("error", "defined") | list
# # grab all commits with no scope and sort alphabetically by the first line of the commit message
#}{% for commit in filtered_commits | rejectattr("scope") | sort(attribute='breaking_descriptions.0')
%}{{ ordered_commits.append(commit) | default("", true)
}}{% endfor
# # grab all commits with a scope and sort alphabetically by the scope and then the first line of the commit message
#}{% for commit in filtered_commits | selectattr("scope") | sort(attribute='scope,breaking_descriptions.0')
%}{{ ordered_commits.append(commit) | default("", true)
}}{% endfor
# # Return the ordered commits
#}{% set ns.commits = ordered_commits
%}{% endmacro

MACRO: Retrieve the PR identifier based on the HVCS type
#}{% macro get_pr_identifier(hvcs_type)
%}{# # Determine the PR identifier based on the HVCS type
#}{% if hvcs_type == "gitlab"
%}{% set pr_identifier = "!"
%}{% elif hvcs_type in ["bitbucket", "gitea", "github"]
%}{% set pr_identifier = "#"
%}{% else
%}{% set pr_identifier = ""
%}{% endif
%}{{ pr_identifier | default("", true)
}}{% endmacro

MACRO: commit message links or PR/MR links of commit
#}{% macro commit_msg_links(commit, hvcs_type)
%}{% if commit.error is undefined
%}{% set commit_hash_link = "[`%s`](%s)" | format(
commit.short_hash, commit.hexsha | commit_hash_url
#}{% set summary_line = commit.descriptions[0] | safe
%}{% set summary_line = [
summary_line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[0] | capitalize,
summary_line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
] | join(" ")
# # Determine the PR identifier based on the HVCS type
#}{% set pr_identifier = get_pr_identifier(hvcs_type) | default("", true)
#}{% if pr_identifier != "" and summary_line.split("(" ~ pr_identifier) | length > 1
%}{# # Replace PR references with a link to the PR
#}{% set pr_num = summary_line.split("(" ~ pr_identifier, maxsplit=1)[1].split(")")[0]
%}{% set pr_link = "[%s](%s)" | format(pr_identifier ~ pr_num, pr_num | pull_request_url)
%}{% set replacement = "(%s, %s)" | format(pr_link, commit_hash_link)
%}{% set search_text = "(%s)" | format(pr_identifier ~ pr_num)
%}{% set summary_line = summary_line | replace(search_text, replacement)
# DEFAULT: No PR identifier found, so just append commit hash as url to the commit summary_line
#}{% else
%}{% set summary_line = "%s (%s)" | format(summary_line, commit_hash_link)
%}{% endif
# Return the modified summary_line
#}{{ summary_line
}}{% endif
%}{% endmacro

MACRO: format the first line of the commit message with optional scope
- PR/MR links are added if found in the first line description
- commit hash links are always added
#}{% macro format_commit_summary_line(commit, hvcs_type)
%}{% if commit.error is undefined
%}{% set summary_line = commit_msg_links(commit, hvcs_type)
%}{% if commit.scope
%}{% set summary_line = "**%s**: %s" | format(commit.scope, summary_line)
%}{% endif
%}{{ summary_line
}}{% endif
%}{% endmacro

MACRO: apply smart ordering of commits objects based on alphabetized summaries and then scopes
- Commits are sorted based on the commit type and the commit message
- Commits are grouped by the commit type
- parameter: ns (namespace) object with a commits list
- returns None but modifies the ns.commits list in place
#}{% macro apply_alphabetical_ordering_by_descriptions(ns)
%}{% set ordered_commits = []
# # Eliminate any ParseError commits from input set
#}{% set filtered_commits = ns.commits | rejectattr("error", "defined") | list
# # grab all commits with no scope and sort alphabetically by the first line of the commit message
#}{% for commit in filtered_commits | rejectattr("scope") | sort(attribute='descriptions.0')
%}{{ ordered_commits.append(commit) | default("", true)
}}{% endfor
# # grab all commits with a scope and sort alphabetically by the scope and then the first line of the commit message
#}{% for commit in filtered_commits | selectattr("scope") | sort(attribute='scope,descriptions.0')
%}{{ ordered_commits.append(commit) | default("", true)
}}{% endfor
# # Return the ordered commits
#}{% set ns.commits = ordered_commits
%}{% endmacro