Site to showcase my personal repositories.
Projects I've got;
- Designed as a goal-discovery, -setting and -tracking tool.
- View the tool here: - presently just an NEDB database inserter + insert-statement dumper.
Projects I want to make;
Minecraft Skyblock Simulator
Brave Exvius Warehouse
- Like Swarfarm ( for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
- Manually enter your stocks and inventories etc.
- Persistent "savegame" in cookies / HTML5 storage / etc.
- Export JSON / NEDB to pastebin and send to others, import from pastebin / clipboard and load.
- Develop a base database with characters, levels, sources etc.
- Track capabilities (recipes, levels in Coliseum, etc).
- Damage simulator based on your stats. Give min + max for against a given DEF/SPR level.
- Wishlists.
- Suggest "next steps" - complete quests for recipes, or get magic keys and get this thing, or...
- Offer a system for people to contribute data points ("here are 5* Kefka's stats at level 67...")
Things I've contributed to:
- Mainly just adding quotes :)