How To Administer a Black Rock Tickets project:
You must be a registered user at the site with admin privileges. Login at https://[site]/admin/
The system is built on dependencies (Parent/Child relationships), so before the desired ticket tier or volunteer shift can be created, it’s parents (and grandparents) must be created, starting with the top generation. Once the parent is created, then children can be added, then those children can have children below them.
For Event Ticketing: The hierarchy for the ticketing section is: Site > Event > Occurrence > Tier So before an Occurrence can be created (like AB2017), an Event must be created.
Site: the website for ticketing Domain name: (url) Display name: (name of event)
Event: the recurring event we host Site: parent (site object) Header: name or url of logo that is displayed to user next to Occurrence description Label: the title shown to the user Description: shown to user to describe the event; use html for formatting and links Admin email: the email shown to user for more info Survival guide: link to that document Waiver: link to the Event Waiver document Receipt text: shown to user after purchase; use html for formatting and links Paypal user: _ Paypal password: _ Paypal signature: _ Paypay currency: _ Admin: select the users which are allowed to make changes to this listing.
Occurrence: the specific event with dates and times Event: parent Label: the specific name/theme of this event (AB2017: Restoration) Code: _ Start date: when the event officially starts End date: when the event officially ends Cap: total number of tickets available Description: shown to user about this specific event; use html for formatting and links Allow donations: allows user to add a donation to their purchase from the available Options Options: highlight the additional options or donations available to select for purchase; click the plus sign to add more Coupons: allowed coupon codes for this event; click the plus sign to add more
Tier: the ticket releases for the Occurrence Occurrence: parent Label: name of the Tier (First Chance General Sale) Description: shown to user any info about of this tier, including its limits, breakdown of costs, instructions, etc; use html for formatting Code: _ Start date: the exact date and time this tier becomes available and the system allows purchases End date: the exact date and time this tier becomes unavailable and the system discontinues purchases Price: amount; do not include dollar sign Cap: number of tickets available in this Tier before considered Sold Out Password: optional password required to purchase tickets within this Tier. If a password is set, the Tier is hidden so not found accidentally. To access it, add "?show=show" to the end of the buy url. Use queue: _ Max purchase: maximum tickets allowed to be purchased in a single transaction; once complete, users can still make more transactions for additional tickets Reservation required: _ Is lottery: _ Require code: _
Options: additional options or donations available for purchase when buying a ticket Label: name of the Option shown to user Description: shown to user any info about of this Option, including its limits, special instructions, etc; use html for formatting Price: amount; do not include dollar sign
Coupons: available coupon codes for discount on purchases Label: the name of this coupon Key: the coupon code Discount: discounted cost of entire purchase (not per ticket) Cap: maximum coupons available
Chances: _ User: _ Tier: _ Name: _ Email: _ Request date: _ Queue code: _
Comps: _
Payments: previous payments by users
Purchase requests: previous purchase requests by users
Purchases: previous purchases by users
Tickets: previous tickets purchased by users
User profiles:
Queued tiers: Name: _ Url: _ Starts: _ Ends: _ Max active: _ Max tickets: _ Cap: _ Average tickets: _ Ticket count ready: _ Ticket count started: _ Ticket count finished: _ Ticket count paid: _
Reservations: _
For Scheduling: The hierarchy for the Volunteer Scheduling section is: Event > Schedule > Position So the Schedule must be created (like Rangers) before a Position can be created (like Alpha Ranger). Event: the event we host; created above under Ticketing. Once Schedules are created, they must be attached to the upcoming Event Occurrence, by adding a Signups window (when volunteering shifts can be reserved). Read below for further explanations of each topic.
Schedule: the grouping category for similar Positions, often times from the same team/department. Event: parent Label: name of this Schedule shown to user Block size: time duration in minutes of the blocks in the schedule matrix, usually the length of a single shift (or smaller if there’s multiple staggered shifts on the same schedule) Start offset: time in minutes from the beginning of the Occurrence which this Schedule starts (can be negative in case a shift starts before the official start time of the Occurrence) End offset: time in minutes from the end of the Occurrence which this Schedule ends (use negative minutes to end early) Reminder email: _ Description: description of Schedule show to user Admins: select the users which are allowed to make changes to this listing. Notes: The important thing here is the block size. It's in minutes, and is usually the length of a single shift, but it might be smaller if you have multiple staggered shifts on a schedule. So maybe you have greeters and parking on two hour shifts on the same schedule, but the greeters rotate on even hours and parking on odd hours, in which case you'd set a block size of 60 so the schedule is broken up properly. The offsets allow you to start and end the schedule before or after the event start and end dates (for example you'd want greeter shifts to begin before gates open).
Position: the specific position/job/task that needs volunteers. It has a specific job description, shift length, max users, etc. (from the developer: “You can also set up hierarchies here, which will allow you to create shift lengths or max users that change This is a bit tricky to get right.”) Schedule: parent Label: name of the Position that the user is signing up for Shift offset: [number of Blocks to offset, up to max shift length?; need to research more] _ Shift length: how many time Blocks compose a shift Max users: number of users who can fill the shift before it’s considered full. Detail required: _ Parent: _ Description: description of Position show to user Sort: integer compared to other Position’s Sort integer to determine their displayed order Notes: It's tied to a shift, and its offset and length are relative to the block size of its schedule (so in the example above, the shift length would be 2 for 2 hours (since the schedule block size is 60 minutes). You can also set up hierarchies here, which will allow you to create shift lengths or max users that change This is a bit tricky to get right.
Blackouts: groups of Blocks when a Position does not need any Shifts filled. Position: parent Label: name of this Blackout shown to user in the portion of the Schedule that is unavailable Start block: number of Blocks from the beginning of the Schedule to start this Blackout End block: number of Blocks from the beginning of the Schedule to end this Blackout
Shifts: all shifts that users have signed up for.
Sign ups: the sign up window during which users are allowed to visit the website and sign up for shifts for the selected Occurrence. By creating a new Signup record for each Event Occurrence, the rest of the setup data usually stays the same so can be reused or slightly edited. Occurrence: parent Start date: when the window opens to start allowing users to sign up for shifts End date: when the signup window closes and shifts can no longer be edited Schedules: all schedules which can be browsed and signed up for by users (if more schedules are added later, make sure to also add them here) Admins: select the users which are allowed to make changes to this listing.