A golang operator for openstack nova lifecycle management
This operator is built using the operator-sdk framework to provide day one and day two lifecycle managment of the OpenStack nova service on an OpenShift cluster.
You’ll need a Kubernetes cluster to run against.
You can use openshift-local to get a local cluster for testing, or run against a remote cluster.
Note: Your controller will automatically use the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info
this repo currently uses go 1.18
This repo uses pre-commit to automate basic checks that should be run before pushing a PR for review. pre-commit is optional but recommend to ensure good git hygiene.
sudo dnf install -y golang
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --install-hooks
pre-commit is configured to run golangci-lint on each commit
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.50.0
add "$(go env GOPATH)/bin" to your path via ~/.bashrc
if ! [[ "$PATH" =~ "$(go env GOPATH)/bin" ]]
export PATH=${PATH}:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
confirm golangci-lint is installed
[stack@crc nova-operator]$ golangci-lint --version
golangci-lint has version 1.50.0 built from 704109c6 on 2022-10-04T10:25:07Z
NOTE: this might take some time on the first run as it need to build the operator
(.venv) [stack@crc nova-operator]$ pre-commit run -a
go fmt...................................................................Passed
go vet...................................................................Passed
check for added large files..............................................Passed
fix utf-8 byte order marker..............................................Passed
check for case conflicts.................................................Passed
check that executables have shebangs.....................................Passed
check that scripts with shebangs are executable..........................Passed
check for merge conflicts................................................Passed
check for broken symlinks............................(no files to check)Skipped
detect destroyed symlinks................................................Passed
check yaml...............................................................Passed
check json...............................................................Passed
detect private key.......................................................Passed
fix end of files.........................................................Passed
don't commit to branch...................................................Passed
trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed
- Install Instances of Custom Resources:
make install
- Build and push your image to the location specified by
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/nova-operator:tag
- Deploy the controller to the cluster with the image specified by
make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/nova-operator:tag
To delete the CRDs from the cluster:
make uninstall
UnDeploy the controller to the cluster:
make undeploy
// TODO(user): Add detailed information on how you would like others to contribute to this project
This project aims to follow the Kubernetes Operator pattern
It uses Controllers which provides a reconcile function responsible for synchronizing resources untile the desired state is reached on the cluster
- Install the CRDs into the cluster:
make install
- Run your controller (this will run in the foreground, so switch to a new terminal if you want to leave it running):
make run
NOTE: You can also run this in one step by running: make install run
If you are editing the API definitions, generate the manifests such as CRs or CRDs using:
make manifests
NOTE: Run make --help
for more information on all potential make
More information can be found via the Kubebuilder Documentation
Copyright 2022.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.