Plugin for ImpactJS to read Tiled ( map files.
- underscore
- impact-layers
- Will load the map from exported JSON using the layer order provided by the map.
- Tiled will save the paths to the tilesets relative to the saved map. For this reason, I suggest saving the map at the same level or one higher from the tilesets. For example, media/maps/test.json and media/maps/tilesets/ground.png.
- Also this plugin makes no assumptions on how you load the JSON file. Easiest way is to just wrap it in a module and store it as a variable. (or use ajax to load the json directly)
- base entity types that use the tiled entities
- image layers
- docs
Assets used in the example:
- font: included with Impact
- Village, Forest, Collision, and Xam are from LostDecadeGames
- Tiles_12 is by Buch