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BTrace Annotations
used to specify target class(es), target method(s) and "location(s)" within the method(s)
@OnMethod(clazz=<cname_spec>[, method=<mname_spec>]? [, type=<signature>]? [, location=<location_spec>]?)
- cname_spec = <class_name> | +<class_name> | /regex/
- class_name is a fully qualified class name
+class_name is a fully qualified class name prepended with +; means
all subclasses and implementors
of the prepended class name - /regex/ is a standard regular expression used to identify the class names
- mname_spec = <method_name> | /regex/
- method_name is a simple method name (no signature or return type)
- signature = <return_type> ((arg_type(,arg_type)*)?
return_type is the methods return type as written in java (eg.
) - arg_type is the argument type as written in java
An action method annotated by this annotation is called when the matching method(s) reaches specified the location. In OnMethod annotation, traced class name is specified by "clazz" property and traced method is specified by "method" property. "clazz" may be a fully qualified class name (like java.awt.Component or a regular expression specified within two forward slashes. Refer to the samples NewComponent.java and Classload.java.
The regular expression can match zero or more classes in which case all matching classes are instrumented. For example /java\.awt\..+/ matches all classes in java.awt package. Also, method name can be a regular expression as well - matching zero or more methods. Refer to the sample MultiClass.java.
There is another way to abstractly specify traced class(es) and method(s). Traced classes and methods may be specified by annotation. For example, if the "clazz" attribute is specified as @javax.jws.WebService BTrace will instrument all classes that are annotated by the WebService annotation. Similarly, method level annotations may be used to specify methods abstractly. Refer to the sample WebServiceTracker.java.
It is also possible to combine regular expressions with annotations - like @/com\.acme\..+/ matches any class that is annotated by any annotation that matches the given regular expression.
It is possible to match multiple classes by specifying super type. i.e., match all classes that are subtypes of a given super type. +java.lang.Runnable matches all classes implementing java.lang.Runnable interface. Refer to the sample SubtypeTracer.java.
used to specify tracing actions that have to run periodically once every N milliseconds
- value specifies the time period
Time period is specified as long "value" property of this annotation. Refer to the sample Histogram.java
used to specify actions that are run whenever any exception is thrown by tracing actions of some other probe
BTrace method annotated by this annotation is called when any exception is thrown by any of the other BTrace action methods in the same BTrace class.
used to specify actions that are run when BTrace code calls "exit(int)" built-in function to finish the tracing "session"
Refer to the sample ProbeExit.java.
used to associate tracing methods with "external" events send by BTrace client.
- event_name is the name of the event this handler will respond to
BTrace methods annotated by this annotation are called when BTrace client sends an "event". Client may send an event based on some form of user request to send (like pressing Ctrl-C or a GUI menu). String value may used as the name of the event. This way certain tracing actions can be executed whenever an external event "fires".
As of now, the command line BTrace client sends "events" whenever use presses Ctrl-C (SIGINT). On SIGINT, a console menu is shown to send an event or exit the client [which is the default for SIGINT]. Refer to the sample HistoOnEvent.java
used to trace memory threshold exceed event
See sample MemAlerter.java
used to specify to avoid using implementation internal classes in BTrace scripts
@OnProbe(namespace=<namespace_name>, name=<probe_name>)
- namespace_name is an arbitrary namespace name in the form of a java package
- probe_name is an arbitrary probe name
@OnProbe probe specifications are mapped to one or more @OnMethod specifications by the BTrace VM agent. Currently, this mapping is done using a XML probe descriptor file [accessed by the BTrace agent]. Refer to the sample SocketTracker1.java and associated probe descriptor file java.net.socket.xml.
When running this sample, this xml file needs to be copied in the directory where the target JVM runs (or fix probeDescPath option in btracer.bat to point to whereever the .xml file is).
enables sampling for the annotated handler. To be used in conjunction with @OnMethod annotation.
- <sampler_kind> is one of Sampler.Const, Sampler.Adaptive and Sampler.None
used to mark the handler method argument taking the name of the class of the currently intercepted method. Applicable only in methods annotated by @OnMethod
used to mark the handler method argument taking the name of the currently intercepted method. Applicable only in methods annotated by @OnMethod
- fqn signals that the Full Qualified Name should be used instead of a simple name; defaults to false
denotes an argument used to access the enclosing instance of the currently intercepted method. Using this annotation for a handler argument will effectively filter out all the otherwise matching static method (there is no instance to be used)
an argument with this annotation will contain the return value of the currently intercepted method. Applicable only for location=@Location(Kind.RETURN) and will cause only methods returning non-void values to be intercepted
the method execution duration will be provided in an argument annotated by @Duration. Applicable only for location=@Location(Kind.RETURN) and long arguments
this annotation will provide access to the instance the currently intercepted method is being invoked on (similar to @Self) but targets method calls or field access Applicable for location=@Location([Kind.CALL|Kind.FIELD_GET|Kind.FIELD_SET) and non-static method calls or field access
this annotation will provide access to the name of a method being called or a field being accessed (similar to @ProbeMethodName) Applicable for location=@Location([Kind.CALL|Kind.FIELD_GET|Kind.FIELD_SET)
- fqn signals that the Full Qualified Name should be used instead of a simple name; defaults to false