I have always been an avid book reader and movie/tv consumer so I love comparing a book to it's adaptation. As most people have experienced, one is usually drastically better than the other. The intent of my app is to create a resource that tracks adaptations, lets people chime in on which they prefer and to help someone decide whether a book or movie is worth spending their time on.
Seach for a movie, tv show or book and go to it's page to see what other peoples opinion are on it's comparison to the book. If you've read and watched it add your's. If the movie isn't already in the database, add it and cast your vote. You can also click on a books page to see all of the movies and shows linked to it.
- JavaScript
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- Express
- Oauth
- Ben Manley for the late night de-bugging
- Blake Romano for the intellectual and emotional support
- Thiago for helping me understand what I was actually trying to build
- David for the shortcuts and cool tips
- The mysterious ? that solves all of my problems without explanation
- Home Page Logo: https://codepen.io/davidlillo/pen/wZRagx
- Form: https://codepen.io/Dru-Go/pen/jONobQB?editors=1100
- Nav Bar Dropdown: https://codepen.io/catalinred/pen/kbscx
- Make css completely responsive
- Create author page that allows user to see all of the books by that author and their adaptations.
- Add a random generator page so that user can get a book or movie suggestion at random.
- Add user page so that a user can see all of the movie and shows they've voted on.
- Add a "suggest change" form so that if a user spots an error they can send me what needs to updated.
- View and add posters and book covers