BubbleFish Studio is a multidisciplinary studio making applied music and sound design with an eye to propagating knowledge and culture.
This repository contains the source materials for the creation of the first day of the "Music Creation Challenge 2022" we started on our Instagram.
The final video can be found here.
The video is generated using the Processing sketch in ./sketch_8bit_game_of_life
using a custom configuration for the game of life where:
- 1 or 2 neighbors keep a cell alive
- 1 neighboor make a dead cell become alive
The neighborhood configuration is the typical Moore neighborhood (i.e. 8 cells around)
The music track is made using the provided Logic Pro X project, composed by 5 tracks of oscillators:
- lead: triangular oscillator
- harmony: sawtooth oscillator + tiny bit of rectangular sub
- kick: triangle + white noise + lowpass + bitcrusher
- snare: rectangular (duty cycle almost 0) + white noise + bitcrusher
- bell: rectangular (duty cycle almost 0) + lowpass + bitcrusher
© 2022 Matteo Bernardini