This repository contains the code supporting my research internship at UC Berkeley for the industrial chair Drive for All (MINES Paristech) and the Berkeley Deep Drive consortium.
My research subject was Pedestrian Detection using Deep Learning methods. Although I didn't have time to get extensive results because of time constraints, the code is in a working state. See below for its structure.
The approach I explored is primarly based on the Faster R-CNN framework (see here for Python code using caffe).
In their unified neural network, a first part called Region Proposal Network generates proposals for areas of interest, then a classifier generates labels for them.
When focusing on Pedestrian Detection, the classifier becomes redundant because generating proposals is already classifying between 'background' and 'pedestrian'. In this work, I attempt to remove the classifier and train a deeper RPN to cope with the change. This has since been studied in another Microsoft Research paper, yielding good results even with only the RPN.
The other aspect I had planned to investigate was using LSTM units at the output of RPN to include context over time, hopefully improving results. This is not present in this code.
My experiments are done on the Caltech Pedestrian Dataset. It is a dataset made of 250k images with pedestrian annoted, freely available. More information can be found on their website.
Code related to handling the dataset (generating input & output from images and annotations)
can be found under caltech-dataset/
. This include Python code as well as several repositories
I used for reading the dataset (see caltech-dataset/
The vgg16/
folder contains code to convert a pretrained model of the Convolutional
Neural Network VGG16,
from a caffe format to TensorFlow.
Finally, the main script setting up the neural network, training & logging is
It can be used train a model with parameters in caltech-dataset/
saving every few epochs. It can also generate results in the expected format for the Caltech Dataset
MATLAB code evaluation from the trained model.