I wanted to analyze students' performance and see if there was any correlation between a multitude of factors such as age, parental education, extracurricular activities, and more.
- Picked dataset
- Defined 10 questions
- Answered 10 questions using Pandas
- Added at least one data visualization (using Matplotlib and/or Seaborn) to each single question
- Prepared presentation slides to present at graduation
Question 1: What is the average GPA of students who receive tutoring versus no tutoring?
Question 2: What is the average GPA of students grouped by weekly study hours?
Question 3: Max number of absences? Is there any correlation between the number absences and GPA?
Question 4:Top 10 Students Versus Bottom 10
Question 5: What is the average GPA of students who are involved in sports versus those who are not?
Question 6: What is the average parental support for the top 20 students and the lower 20 students?
Question 7: How many students have between 0.0 - 1.0 GPA? 1.0 - 2.0? 2.0 - 3.0? 3.0 - 4.0?
Question 8: What is the ethnic breakdown of the sample?
Question 9: What is the average GPA of students involved in volunteering versus those who are not?
Question 10: What is the average GPA of students with parents who have different educational backgrounds?