made possible with
bundle install
When using bundler 2.4.x, the silent permission upgrade feature got removed and bundler can't write to its cache anymore: rubygems/rubygems#6272
Retrying download gem from due to error (4/4): Bundler::PermissionError There was an error while trying to write to `/var/lib/gems/3.1.0/cache/ffi-1.15.5.gem`. It is likely that you need to grant write permissions for that path.
to fix this, create a user writable directory like so
mkdir ~/.gems_cache
bundle config path ~/.gems_cache
bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec jekyll serve
cd _purge
new font awesome tags must be added to
Pages are located in _pages directory
Every page needs to have at least
layout: <layout>
namespace: <name>
permalink: <url-name>
permalink_en: <url-name>
nav_highlight: <navigation title to highlight (referencing i18n-key)>
title: <page title (referencing i18n-key)>
is the template to be used to render the pagenamespace
is used to resolve translated url when used with{% tl <namespace> %}
denote the url-names of the site in different languagesnav_highlight
references the same i18n-key which is used in navigation in order to highlight when the page is selectedtitle
is the i18n-key to resolve the title
The page uses i18n in languages defined in _config.yml and resolves key by looking them up in _i18n directory.
Key are resolved using
{% t %}
usually, keys aren't resolved directly from i18n files, but from page variables.
Given you have a markdown file like this
layout: default
title: pages.home.title
and your translation file contains a structure like this
title: My Home
in order to translate the title for example in the title, you have to use the translation function like so
<title>{% page.title %}</title>
In such a way, the default
template can be used for all pages, which specify a title i18n-key
This comes with some limitations: this statement cannot be used in order to chain variables, linke for example
{% t | markdownify %}
This will produce an error like
Missing i18n key: | markdownify
Using translation '' from default language: de
Liquid Exception: no implicit conversion of nil into String in /_layouts/<layout>.html
In order to fix this, you need to use the capture
{% capture translated_content %}{% t %}{% endcapture %}
{{ translated_content | markdownify }}
The navigation is constructed from navigation template file, also containing i18n lookup keys.
The information text for the next event can be found in the i18n folder in the
Background images are tricky: they are introduced via CSS, which means they are accessible by simply putting a css-class attribute to the item. But for generating the code, it's a mess. The process of adding a new image to a page is as follows:
- Add a new yaml-entry for the image to the yaml style file
accceu-image: "/assets/img/accceu-header.webp"
- Transform this yaml variable into a scss variable in the bumble.scss preprocessor
$accceu-image: "{{ }}";
- Create a new style definition in the header images scss
&.accceu-image { background-image: url("#{$accceu-image}"); }
- (optional) Add a preload entry to the head html
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="{{ }}" type="image/webp">
- Now you're ready to use the image class in your templates
header: image-class: accceu-image