Hi -- There's a new Elixir library, digoc, available via hex or on GitHub that speaks D.O.'s API v2. (Plus my Elixir programming got, I hope, better!) Drop me a line if you have questions.
A pretty straightforward implementation of the DigitalOcean API (login required) in Elixir. We've tried to keep the behavior consistent with how it's described in the documentation but have provided a few potentially helpful convenience methods where appropriate.
There are tests included; be warned that they create and destroy DigitalOcean resources! Running them can incur charges or even destroy existing droplets so please, don't run them blindly.
To get started, be sure to set the environment variables
This library closely follows the DigialOcean API document. One convenience provided is the translation of JSON return structures into Elixir records. So
event_record = DigOc.event event_id
IO.puts event_record.action_status
and the like are possible.
List all the droplets.
droplet_list = DigOc.droplets
Get a droplet by ID.
droplet = DigOc.droplets id
Create a new droplet. Returns a record representing the newly created droplet (though most of the records will be nil until the droplet creation event, specified by droplet.event_id, has completed).
region_id = 1 # nyc size_id = 66 # very small! image_id = 350076 # ubuntu 13.04/x64 name = "apitest" backups = false private_networking = false ssh_key_ids = [79152] # a priv key droplet = DigOc.droplets :new, region_id: region_id, size_id: size_id, image_id: image_id, name: name, backups: backups, private_networking: private_networking, ssh_key_ids: ssh_key_ids
Reboot a droplet. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :reboot
Power cycle a droplet. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :powercycle
Shutdown a droplet. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :shutdown
Power off a droplet. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :power_off
Power on a droplet. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :power_on
Reset a droplet password. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :password_reset
Destroy a droplet. Returns an event_id.
DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :destroy
These functions require a running droplet to be powered off before executing. There are both plain methods that do not manipulate the droplet first and convenience methods that will power off a running server, perform the action, and power the server back on again (if it was running).
Resize a droplet. The
parameter can be either a size record (as would be returned byDigOc.sizes
or a size.id or size.slug.# plain evt = DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :resize, size # convenience droplet = DigOc.resize droplet, size
Take a snapshot.
# plain evt = DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :snapshot, snapshot_name # convenience new_image = DigOc.take_snapshot droplet, snapshot_name
Restore a droplet from an image. The
parameter can be either an image record (as would be returned byDigOc.images
or an image.id or image.slug.# plain evt = DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :restore, image # convenience droplet = DigOc.restore droplet, image
Rebuild a droplet from an image. The
parameter is as above.# plain evt = DigOc.droplets droplet.id, :rebuild, image # convenience droplet = DigOc.rebuild droplet, image
Get a droplet by ID or name. (Convenience)
droplet = DigOc.droplet id_or_name
Note: Regions are cached. If a new region becomes available it will not appear in the region list until the cache is cleared.
Get the available regions as a list of DigOc.Region records.
regions = DigOc.regions
Get the Region record for a given region_id.
region = DigOc.region region_id
Note: Images are cached. If a new image is created (by taking a snapshot, say) the cache should be cleared afterwards.
Get the available images as a list of DigOc.Image records.
images = DigOc.images
Get the Image record for a given image_id.
image = DigOc.image image_id
Get the available public SSH keys as a list of DigOc.SSHKey records.
keys = DigOc.ssh_keys
Get an ssh key by ID.
key = DigOc.ssh_keys key_id
Create a new SSH key.
public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nzac1...XXV [email protected]" key = DigOc.ssh_keys :add, name: "new key", ssh_pub_key: public_key
Edit an SSH key.
key = DigOc.ssh_keys sshkey.id, :edit, name: "new name"
Destroy an SSH key.
:ok = DigOc.ssh_keys sshkey.id, :destroy
Note: sizes are cached. If a new size becomes available it not appear in the size list until the cache is cleared.
Get the available sizes as a list of DigOc.Size records.
sizes = DigOc.sizes
Get the Size record for a given size_id.
size = DigOc.size size_id
Get the DigOc.Event record for an event_id.
evt = DigOc.events event_id
Block until an event has a percentage of "100" or an action_status of "done". Accepts either an Event record or event id.
:ok = DigOc.event_progress event_record :ok = DigOc.event_progress event_id
Get a list of all the domains.
domain_list = DigOc.domains
Get a domain by id.
domain_record = DigOc.domains id
Create a new domain.
domain_record = DigOc.domains :new, params
Destroy a domain.
:ok = DigOc.domains id, :destroy
Get a list of records for a domain.
records = DigOc.domains id, :records
Create a new record.
record = DigOc.domains id, :new_record, params
Get a specific record by id.
record = DigOc.domains id, :records, record_id
Destroy a record.
:ok = DigOc.domains id, :destroy_record, record_id
Edit a record.
record = DigOc.domains id, :edit_record, record_id, params
Get a record by name or id. (Convenience)
record = DigOc.domain id_or_name
To clear the cache (asynchronously):
Kevin Montuori [email protected]