dotfiles generated with chezmoi
Configs include:
- Linux
- alacritty
- bat
- swaync
- hyprland
- waybar
- qutebrowser
- ranger
- rofi
- Windows
- Windows PowerShell
- Windows Terminal
- GlazeWM
- both
- Neovim
- Git
(i have my old i3 dotfiles still in here for virtual machines and such)
If you install these dotfiles with chezmoi, and during setup you get asked if you want to setup manually, and you answer "no" a bunch of stuff will be installed (see .chezmoiscripts)
get chezmoi
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply burgr033
Install (the best package manager for windows) scoop
irm | iex
Install Chezmoi through scoop
scoop install chezmoi
init & apply dotfiles
chezmoi init burgr033 --apply