changed this
npm install
npm run start
npm run dev
The Dockerfile performs the following steps:
- It is based on Node.js LTS Version 6 (Boron).
- It then clones the Pac-Man game into the configured application directory.
- Exposes port 8080 for the web server.
- Starts the Node.js application using
npm start
To build the image run:
cd docker
docker build -t <registry>/<user>/pacman-nodejs-app .
You can test the image by running:
docker run -p 8000:8080 <registry>/<user>/pacman-nodejs-app
And going to http://localhost:8000/
to see if you get the Pac-Man game.
Once you're satisfied you can push the image to the container registry.
docker push <registry>/<user>/pacman-nodejs-app
s2i build . centos/nodejs-6-centos7 pacman