whatTODO is a web based To Do list. It was written for the purpose of being simple and fast, with a focus on useability.
whatTODO runs on a Linux server. It requires that cppdb and cppcms shared libraries are available. It also requires the sqlite3 binary and systemd (for autostart).
You can find packaged versions of cppdb and cppcms on github in this project's releases section. These (or equivalent) must be installed. Next install the debian package containing whatTODO (also found on this project's releases page). Finally, add a user to the database.
sudo ./cppdb-linux.sh --prefix=/usr --exclude-subdir
sudo ./cppcms-linux.sh --prefix=/usr --exclude-subdir
sudo dpkg -i whattodo-*.deb # At the very least, queue the package for
# installation
sudo apt-get install -fy # Make sure that dependencies are installed
sudo whattodoctl adduser <your-name-here> # Add a user
Note that you should replace
with a desired username
Now navigate to http://<installed-host>:8080/whattodo
to view test it out