Compile .proto
files to plain arkTs.
- the future is open to everyone
- Supports json encoding (
) - Supports binary encoding (
) - Supports Sendable
protoc -I $proto_path --arkts_out=$output_path gen.proto --plugin=target/debug/protoc-gen-arkts
syntax = "proto3";
package struct_pkg;
enum Enum {
ENUM_0 = 0;
ENUM_1 = 1;
message Common {
string common_id = 1;
int64 common_type = 2;
message Struct {
string field_string = 1;
repeated string field_string_list = 2;
int32 field_i32 = 3;
repeated int32 field_i32_list = 4;
int64 field_i64 = 5;
repeated int64 field_i64_list = 6;
bool field_boolean = 7;
repeated bool field_boolean_list = 8;
bytes field_bytes = 9;
repeated bytes field_bytes_list = 10;
Enum field_enum = 11;
repeated Enum field_enum_list = 12;
Common field_common_struct = 13;
repeated Common field_common_struct_list = 14;
map<string, string> field_map_string_string = 15;
map<string, int32> field_map_string_i32 = 16;
map<int64, int64> field_map_i64_i64 = 17;
map<int64, string> field_map_i64_string = 18;
message Struct2 {
uint32 field_uint32 = 1;
const struct_impl = new struct_pkg_Struct()
struct_impl.field_string = "field string"
struct_impl.field_string_list = ["field string list1", "field string list2"]
struct_impl.field_i32 = 100
struct_impl.field_i32_list = [1, 2, 3]
struct_impl.field_i64 = BigInt(10)
struct_impl.field_i64_list = [BigInt(1), BigInt(2), BigInt(3), BigInt(4), BigInt(5)]
struct_impl.field_boolean = false
struct_impl.field_boolean_list = [false, true, false, true]
struct_impl.field_bytes = new Uint8Array(10)
struct_impl.field_bytes.set([96, 97])
struct_impl.field_bytes_list = []
struct_impl.field_enum = struct_pkg_Enum.ENUM_1
struct_impl.field_enum_list = [struct_pkg_Enum.ENUM_1, struct_pkg_Enum.ENUM_1]
const common_impl = new struct_pkg_Common()
common_impl.common_id = "id"
common_impl.common_type = BigInt(100)
const common_impl1 = new struct_pkg_Common()
common_impl1.common_id = "id"
common_impl1.common_type = BigInt(100)
struct_impl.field_common_struct = common_impl
struct_impl.field_common_struct_list = [common_impl, common_impl1]
struct_impl.field_map_string_string = new Map<string, string>()
struct_impl.field_map_string_i32 = new Map<string, number>()
struct_impl.field_map_i64_i64 = new Map<bigint, bigint>()
struct_impl.field_map_i64_string = new Map<bigint, string>()
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
struct_impl.field_map_string_string.set(i.toString(), i.toString())
struct_impl.field_map_string_i32.set(i.toString(), i)
struct_impl.field_map_i64_i64.set(BigInt(i), BigInt(i))
struct_impl.field_map_i64_string.set(BigInt(i), i.toString())
// const binarybuf: ArrayBuffer = struct_impl.toBinary()
// const new_struct_pkg_struct = struct_pkg_Struct.fromBinary(new Uint8Array(binarybuf))
// to json & from from
const new_to_json_obj = struct_impl.toJson();
const new_from_json_struct = struct_pkg_Struct.fromJson(new_to_json_obj)
// to binary & from binary
const new_to_binary_buf = struct_impl.toBinary()
const new_from_binary_struct = struct_pkg_Struct.fromBinary(new_to_binary_buf)
- cargo build
when the compilation is completed, the protoc-gen-arkts will appear in target/debug/
- "google-protobuf": "3.21.2"
- "js-base64": "3.7.7"
add dependencies to the oh-package.json5 file in the project
- Many thanks to the original author