Releases: byteful/LevelTools
Releases · byteful/LevelTools
[v1.2.4.2] Fixed double to int conversion and added reward support for commands.
- Allowed doubles to be used instead of conversion to int for attributes.
- Added support for rewards to apply from commands.
[v1.2.4.1] Fixed PlaceholderAPI support on <=1.8
- Bug fix for PlaceholderAPI support
[v1.2.4] Added PlaceholderAPI expansions.
- Added PlaceholderAPI expansions.
- %leveltools_level% : Grabs the item in hand's level.
- %leveltools_xp% : Grabs the item in hand's xp.
- %leveltools_max_xp% : Grabs the item in hand's XP till levelup.
- %leveltools_progress_bar% : Grabs the item in hand's XP progress bar.
- Updated dependencies to latest version.
[v1.2.3.5] Changed event priorities to better support protection plugins.
- Changed event priorities from HIGHEST to MONITOR.
- ^^ Except on anvil event.
- Contributions: @knightzmc
[v1.2.3.4] Hotfixed IAE
- Fixed
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.Sound.null
[v1.2.3.3] Fix error with playerPlacedBlocks
- Updated RedLib to v6.5.1.5
- Updated XSeries to v8.6.1
- Fixed error with RedLib's BDM by updating to latest version.
[v1.2.3.2] Fixed 1.8 actionbar bug.
- Fixed bug in Spigot 1.8 where the API's actionbar method didn't exist.
- Switched to XSeries actionbar utils.
[v1.2.3.1] Fixed BlockDataManager SQLite bug
- Fixed SQLite bug with RedLib's BlockDataManager
- Updated RedLib to v6.5.1
[v1.2.3] Utility Commands
- Added commands:
- /leveltools reload : Reloads config
- /leveltools help : Shows all cmds
- /leveltools xp : Sets item in hand's XP to provided XP.
- /leveltools level : Sets item in hand's level to provided level.
- /leveltools levelup : Increments the item in hand's level one up.
- Added more config messages:
# Configuration for messages.
no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command!"
successful_reload: "&aSuccessfully reloaded LevelTools!"
successfully_executed_action: "&aSuccessfully executed action for item in hand."
item_not_tool: "&cThe item in hand is not supported by LevelTools!"
[v1.2.2] Add attribute reward type.
- New config option
- Attribute reward type
- Minor fixes
# Set to true if leveled items should show attributes. Recommended to keep this true to prevent "lore spam".
hide_attributes: true