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Releases: byteful/LevelTools

[v1.2.1.2] Fixed bug with anvils and leveled items.

31 Dec 20:51
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  • Fixed bug where anvils wouldn't combine levels and XP with leveled items.
  • Fixed bug where lore would disappear when repairing/combining leveled items in anvils.
  • Added new config value:
# What action should be done when combining items in an anvil?
# Modes: "HIGHER_OF_BOTH" (Takes level and xp of higher level item), "LOWER_OF_BOTH" (Takes level and xp of lower level item), OR "ADD_BOTH" (Adds the level and XP of both items)
anvil_combine: "ADD_BOTH"

[v.] Fixed cancellable state in BlockBreakEvent.

13 Dec 22:02
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Fixed a bug where the cancelled state as true would make no difference to given XP/levels.

This would conflict with anti-grief plugins such as WorldGuard. Bug reported in Issue #7.

[v1.2.1] Add 1.18 support.

04 Dec 01:55
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  • Added support for 1.18.
  • PDC support for 1.14+ (might be better than using NBT, since it's in the Bukkit API)

[v1.2.0.1] Fixed major bug with "MULTIPLY" mode.

03 Dec 00:41
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  • Fixed major bug in new "MULTIPLY" mode. (NumberFormatException)
  • Cleaned up util code a bit.

[v1.2.0] Refactored config to support more advanced XP level increase functions.

26 Nov 20:33
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  • Refactored config
  • Improved algorithm for XP level increase.

New Config Changes

# @Deprecated
#level_multiplier: 100.0

# The amount of XP needed to get from level 0 to level 1.
level_xp_start: 100.0

# The increase in amount of XP needed to get from level to level.
# Ex: If we are on level 1 and the level_xp_start is on 100.0 and the mode is ADD with 100.0, it would take 200.0 XP to get to level 2 from level 1.
# Ex 2: If we are on level 1 and the level_xp_start is on 100.0 and the mode is MULTIPLY with 2.0, it would take 200.0 XP to get to level 2 from level 1.
  mode: "ADD" # Modes: "ADD" or "MULTIPLY"
  amount: 100.0

[v1.1.0.2] Cleaned up redundant code and renamed DB file.

18 Nov 23:02
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  • Removed redundant code for datablock system.
  • Renamed 'blocks.db' to 'player_placed_blocks.db'. (Added support to migrate old file names to new one)

[v1.1.0.1] Added XSeries support for enchantment IDs.

10 Nov 01:39
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  • XSeries support for enchantment IDs to help with backwards compatibility.
  • Added more API methods in NBTLevelToolsItem.
  • Ready for SpigotMC publish.

[v1.1.0] Major codebase modifications.

10 Nov 01:33
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  • Support Java 8+ instead of just 16+
  • Removed redundant code.
  • Cleaned up formatting.
  • Fixed startup issues on older versions.
  • Support for more materials/enchants IDs.