Byzer Notebook V1.2.0
很高兴地宣布,今天我们正式发布了 Byzer Notebook 1.2.0 版本。
Byzer Notebook 是基于 Byzer 引擎搭建的开源网页交互计算(Web IDE)应用平台。Byzer Notebook 为业务分析师、数据科学家和 IT 工程师提供了统一的平台和语言,支持交互式地编写和运行代码,能够更好地帮助用户打通复杂的数据链路,实现低成本的数据分析和 AI 落地。
- 在该版本中,我们优化了产品的安装部署流程,在可执行脚本中引入了环境检查,并优化了终端的信息显示。用户可通过调整
目录下的配置文件, 然后执行${BYZER_NOTEBOOK_HOME/bin/ start | stop | restart}
就可以对 Byzer 引擎进行启动,停止以及重启等操作,在易用性和可维护性上得到了巨大的提升。设计详情请参考 BIP 2: Optimize Notebook scripts。
该改动将会影响使用旧版本的用户,Byzer Notebook 的启动停止方式发生了变化。
- 在该版本中引入了 Byzer Notebook 和 Byzer Engine 之间的心跳检测机制,以及增加了外部数据源的管理功能,设计详情请参考 BIP3: Engine side heartbeat monitoring and external data source management
- byzer-notebook/issues/87 优化 Byzer Notebook 的引擎回调机制
- byzer-notebook/issues/116 优化了 Byzer Engine 重启后,外部数据源不需要手动测试连接
- byzer-notebook/issues/131 Notebook 支持根据用户来配置 backup 引擎,而不影响全局设置
- byzer-notebook/issue/155 Notebook 支持解析 Byzer 引擎侧的 Python 日志
- byzer-notebook/issues/151 优化 Byzer Python 的日志显示
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/106 优化在执行 Run All 时,切换 notebook 将导致 Run All 被中断的行为
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/120 执行 Run All 时,添加总体进度的显示
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/121 Notebook 增加一键展开和折叠的功能方便用户快速定位 Cell
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/170 优化 Notebook 全局执行异常状态下的交互提示
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/171 支持导入 Notebook 至某个文件夹目录
- byzer-notebook/issues/140 对接 DolphinScheduler 调度执行超时后,Notebook 端的任务状态需要置为 Failed
如果您遇到疑问或者问题,请到 Byzer-Notebook 项目中提交 Feature Request 或提交 Bug
或通过邮件联系 PMC Member:[email protected]
感谢在 Byzer Notebook 1.2.0 版本中贡献的社区小伙伴(以下排名不分先后):AdmondGuo,Jinghua Zhan,jiachuan.zhu,songliting,wangcheng15,Lindsaylin,ZhengshuaiPENG,hellozepp,tiemuxu,Yifan Chen
Publish Date:2022-04-29
It's a pleasure to announce that we just updated Byzer Notebook to the latest version :Byzer Notebook 1.2.0
Byzer Notebook is an open-source web interactive computing (Web IDE) application platform based on the Byzer engine. Byzer Notebook provides a unified platform and language for business analysts, data scientists, and IT engineers to write and run code interactively, enabling users to bridge complex data links and achieve low-cost data analysis and AI landing.
Majar Changes
- In this version, we have optimized the installation and deployment process of Byzer Notebook, introduced environment checks, and optimized the display of terminal information. User can change the configuration by modifying the property files in
, and can start, stop, restart the Byzer Notebook by executing${BYZER_NOTEBOOK_HOME/bin/ start | stop | restart}
. Details please refer to [BIP 2: Optimize Notebook scripts](。
This may introduce the break changes,The way to start or stop Byzer Notebook has been changed.
- This version introduced the heartbeat detection mechanism between Byzer Notebook and Byzer engine, and also introduced the management function of external data sources, for details please refer to [BIP3: Engine side heartbeat monitoring and external data source management](
- byzer-notebook/issues/87 Optimized the callback mechanism in Byzer Notebook
- byzer-notebook/issues/116 External data source doesn't need test connection manually after Byzer Engine restarted
- byzer-notebook/issues/131 Support set the backup engine in user level in Notebook Settings
- byzer-notebook/issue/155 Support parsing the Bython Python log
- byzer-notebook/issues/151 Optimize the logs from Byzer Python
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/106 Optimize the interactions when switching a running notebook
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/120 Show progress when excutes Run All in Notebook
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/121 Support Expand/Collapse in Notebook to help user quickly locate the cell
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/170 Optimize the interaction when Notebook in exception staus
- byzer-notebook-vue/issues/171 Support import Notebook to a specific folder
- byzer-notebook/issues/140 When scheduler execution timeout in DolphinScheduler, the job need to set as Failed in Notebook
Please download [Byzer Notebook 1.2.0](
Byzer Notebook 1.2.0 adapts to the [Byzer-lang 2.3.0](
If you meet any problem, please submit an issue in project Byzer-Notebook
Or contact PMC Member:[[email protected]](
Welcome data developers to join and build community ecology.
Thanks to those who contributed to Byzer Notebook 1.2.0 (the following ranks are in no particular order): AdmondGuo, Jinghua Zhan, jiachuan.zhu, songliting,wangcheng15, Lindsaylin, ZhengshuaiPENG, hellozepp, tiemuxu, Yifan Chen