YammsJs is a JavaScript interface to the YammsCore
- Make shure you have an up-to-date yamms_core.jar in your lib folder
- Run
to build a runnable jar file. - Create a run.js project file (See next section)
- Run
java jar dist/bin/yamms_js.jar -c run.js
The standard problem 4 as defined by the muMag group could be simulated by the following:
var project = new SimpleProject() {
startSimulation: function(params) {
// Load the initial magnetization
var m = OmfFileService.readFile("sp4.omf");
// Set the spatially constant saturation magnetization
var ms = RealScalarField.getUniformField(m.topology, 8e5);
// Set up the constituents of the effective field
var field = new CompositeFieldTerm();
field.addFieldTerm(new ExchangeField(13e-12, ms));
field.addFieldTerm(new DemagField(m.topology));
field.addFieldTerm(new StaticZeemanField([
-24.6e-3 / Constants.MU0,
4.3e-3 / Constants.MU0,
// Set up the model (the LLG)
var model = new BasicModel(2.211e5, 0.02, ms, field);
// Set up the solver (time integrator)
var solver = new DormandPrinceSolver(0, 1e-10, 1, 1e-4);
// Register storage handlers
solver.addHandler(new OmfStorageHandler("./omf", ""), 50);
solver.addHandler(new ScalarStorageHandler("table"), 10);
// Start the simulation
solver.integrate(model, m, 1e-9);
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Claas Abert
Distributed under the LGPL. See LICENSE file.